Romeo's gear on Divine Wings

Jeffro? I'm just trying to imagine how one goes about achieving that nickname. All I'm coming up with is:

Jeffrey + Afro = Jeffro
He has MANY names.....
He's also my Prog Power roomie (WHEN HE GOES!!!-enough with making babies already! :heh: )
He has no 'fro, except in his name.
He has been threatened that his rigormortised corpse will be surfed down Peachtree Street in Atlanta (for being sick while the remnants of hurricane Ivan passed through Georgia)

Gosh.. I feel all special being the topic of conversation. Nice to see ya, Jax! It was time for my yearly "poke my head into the SX forum and say three words" visit.

Ah yes... being a surfed corpse down Peachtree is quite the highlight of the PP fest. Gimme another year or so and I should be able to make it back to Hotlanta. The new kid should be over a year old by then, so I shouldn't be able to hide behind that excuse.

Hahah.. you like Gir, too? I KNEW there was something I liked about you. :)

Anyway.. carry on. Nothing to see here.

As to the origin of my Jeffro moniker... man, it's been with me since I was a little kid. Can't tell you why. Maybe someone watched the Beverly Hillbillies alot and couldn't pronounce Jethro so it became Jeffro? Hell if I know. I respond to pretty much anything... except "Bleeding Anal Fungus Mouth". I never did like that one. ;)
