Romeo's harmonic technique


Jan 29, 2004
Uppsala, Sweden

If you have seen sy-x live or seen any video of them (or just Romeo) you might have noticed that when Romeo are hitting natural harmonics (the high ones, where you usually grab the bar) he does it buy laying his fret hand across the strings from the top side. Personally i have allways done them from the regular position. I dont really get the point in doing it this way.
What's your view?

One more thing, have you seen how funny he looks when hes doing his tapping? He kind of dances, or twists himself in a very amusing way!


Yeah man, it's just for show. The only time I have EVER seen it necessary to play over the top of the fret board is Chopins Fantasie because of the way you need to mute strings. other than that, you don't need to worry about it unless you just want to wow the audience.
Yeah man, it's just for show. The only time I have EVER seen it necessary to play over the top of the fret board is Chopins Fantasie because of the way you need to mute strings. other than that, you don't need to worry about it unless you just want to wow the audience.
I'm having a hard time imagining this - why is it that you need to go over the top to mute the strings? Can you post a tab or an explanation? Because man, that sounds like it'd be really cool to learn.
OfSinsAndShred said:
I'm having a hard time imagining this - why is it that you need to go over the top to mute the strings? Can you post a tab or an explanation? Because man, that sounds like it'd be really cool to learn.
yeah ı really wanna know that too
Don't mean to hijack the thread but while where on the topic of harmonics, I've never been able to work out, the harmonic notes MJR plays at 4:44 in Candlelight Fantasia.

Anyone here know the positioning or how to do it?
Nope. Way off.
I'm tuned a whole step down too. Maybe MJR was in a different key for that solo.

Then I thought maybe he had that 29 fret guitar out
OfSinsAndShred said:
I'm having a hard time imagining this - why is it that you need to go over the top to mute the strings? Can you post a tab or an explanation? Because man, that sounds like it'd be really cool to learn.

The reason i do it is to mute strings while tapping, if my fret hand is skipping strings and you use your picking hand to mute the strings that aren't bieng played, in that case i need to do it. if i did it normally it would be harder to skip strings in a sweeping form.
I'm not that great at explaining stuff