Ron unsatisfied with someone's work on the new album?


Jul 2, 2003
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I read in an interview on Spastic Ink's site, that Ron was not satisfied with someone's performance on the new album, anyone know who it is?
I guess it is Sean Malone, as Ron doesn't mention him in another interviw where he talks about who performed on the album.
But why?
Every line in ACRONYM is an acronym. That was fun writing that one! The cool part of it is none of it makes sense at all.. LOL... Did you figure out what "Little Bit" is about?? How about the backwards intro vocals on "Multi-Masking"?

And about the player's performance on "Ink Compatible", let's just say that Sean and I agreed on very little. I think the guy is a great player, but our thoughts and personalities severely clash.
Just a Little Bit seems pretty crazy, but I'm thinking that it's about a "bit" as in a computer bit (1 or 0). And that you the user, shouldn't blame this little bit for all your problems, because you are the incompetent one, not the bit.

This line...
"No, I never quit
I was cleared from work
I'm not the jerk
getting paid"

I take that to mean something like...
"I'm a bit, so I never choose to stop working. Some guy (computer operator) chose not to use me (programmer perhaps), so don't blame me for your problems. It's the human who is still to blame."

Another line which makes me think someone is "blaming the bit" for their problems...

"I'm not a hypocrite
You need to think twice
To reduce the price
a percent"

That could mean somebody is trying to get his/her spreadsheet right and the numbers they are coming up with aren't what they want. Again, don't blame the bit, it doesn't lie.

"I'd seen her just the other week, but now we're in a fight"

I believe that the "her" is a user here.

Then as she performed some kinda operation, perhaps a "ctrl-X" or Cut or even the physical process of accessing data, this little bit barely escaped "between the eights"
Eight bits = one byte.

The last verse throws me, I don't know what the hell is going on there. "Ice into the scorching sun"???

Escaping the heat probably means the heat of the hardware itself, the internals of a PC, but I'm not sure.

That's my that all my dorkdom is out in the open,
am I right on any of those points Ron? :D

If I am this song has a very good point, and even though I'm a software engineer, I fall into this same type of thing. But, I try to blame the people manipulating the bits and not the bits themselves. Damn MS and XP SP2 ;)
Hey, Ron. How's your throat? ;) (especialy on the right chanel :p )

About Sean - he is one of my favorite bass players. To bad it didn't work out.
Alright guys, here's what the song "Just A Little Bit" is about. I'm a "bit" embarrasssed to explain this, but it was so much fun putting together, that I figure WHAT THE HELL!! Satanic Rabbit, you're a smart cookie, I couldn't have thought that up stuff, so maybe I should say that that's what it's really about!! LOL... But anyways, here's the reality of it...

A "bit' is a state of being. ON/OFF, YES/NO, UP/DOWN, T/F, etc...

(1st first verse)
all of the words could be a common phrase by adding the words up and down.

"tear it" UP, "tear it" DOWN
"get" UP, "get" down, UP "in flames", DOWN "in flames"
"hold" UP, "hold" DOWN, "back" UP, "back" DOWN
"keep it" UP, "keep it" DOWN
"hands" UP, "hands" DOWN, "set" UP, "set" DOWN
"knock" UP, "knock" DOWN, "crack" UP, "crack" DOWN

(2nd verse)
"Turn" UP refers to turning the volume too high... "make my ears bleed"
"Turn" DOWN means you "refuse to stay"
"Tied" UP means you are "too busy to bother"
Tied" DOWN means you "can't get away"

OK, now here's some embarrassing stuff!! Pretty funny though...
"Just a little bit of this and that" - refers to things of opposite, meaning a bit
"Like a scaredy-cat so afraid" refers to the sound that a cat makes when it's scared - "FFFFFFFF!!!" (as in T/"F")
"No, I never quit, I was cleared from work" - OFF from work
"I'm not the jerk" - jerk OFF
"Getting paid" - paid OFF

"shut" DOWN - means "it's now closed"
"shut" UP - "when I'm talking"
"break" DOWN - means to "analyze"
"break" UP - with a chick "'cause she's stalking"
"cut" DOWN - means to cut "him" DOWN "to size"
"cut" UP - "into fine pieces"
"take" DOWN - "the number"
"take" UP - means "increases"

Isn't this fun!!!! LOL...

"I'd seen her just the other week, but now we're in a fight"
That's when you are "OFF and ON" with your chick
"My head bowed, to the sky I looked"
If done repeatedly you are shaking your head YES
"Checking left to right"
If done repeatedly you are shaking your head NO

Ok, here's some ridiculous shit. LOL....
"Then passed as the cut was made, it hit between the eights"
When Troy Aikman (Dallas Cowboys quarterback) used to throw to Michael Irvin, he would usually throw the "pass" before or as Irvin made his "cut", and "hit him between the eights", Irvin's number was 88. When this happened, announcers always said that Troy was ON. (LOL!!!!)

"A fragile lonely heart edging close to the delirious gates".
These are all YES (the prog rock band) album or song titles
"fragile" - album title
owner of a "lonely heart" - song title
"edging close" - Close To The Edge album and song title
"delirious gates - "The Gates Of Delirium" song title

Yeah, I know, you guys are probably shaking your head, and saying to yourself "Oh my freaking God, are you serious!!??!" LOL...

If anybody wants to figure out some of the rest of it, it gets even worse/funnier!! LOL..

The whole thing with Sean was very unfortunate. He was supposed to play on 2 or 3 songs, and it just wasn't working out. We couldn't agree on anything, tone, overall sound, choice of notes, theory, feel, nothing...

And yep, the throat is just fine now, but it was hurting pretty bad when I was doing take after take on that intro!

For those of you who can't play audio backwards, here's the "Multi-Masking" intro played in reverse.

Also, quite a few people have asked me about the intro for "Aquanet". Here's the modem played along with band.

Yeah, I know, you guys are probably shaking your head, and saying to yourself "Oh my freaking God, are you serious!!??!" LOL...

Something like that. :D

"Then passed as the cut was made, it hit between the eights" When Troy Aikman (Dallas Cowboys quarterback) used to throw to Michael Irvin, he would usually throw the "pass" before or as Irvin made his "cut", and "hit him between the eights", Irvin's number was 88. When this happened, announcers always said that Troy was ON. (LOL!!!!)

This one is the BEST :worship:
ronjarz said:
Satanic Rabbit, you're a smart cookie
Damn, obviously not smart enough!
I got the main idea of what the song was about, but I did not make the connection of each line being On/off, True/false, etc. And I saw the subject as the bit itself, not as things we do such as an "on/off week with a girl".

ronjarz said:
Ok, here's some ridiculous shit. LOL....
"Then passed as the cut was made, it hit between the eights"
When Troy Aikman (Dallas Cowboys quarterback) used to throw to Michael Irvin, he would usually throw the "pass" before or as Irvin made his "cut", and "hit him between the eights", Irvin's number was 88. When this happened, announcers always said that Troy was ON. (LOL!!!!)

Man, I thought my interpretation of this was so right on!!! I had this vision in my mind of a bit about to be switched, but instead he (the bit) was missed between the 8's, as in he was part of a byte and the byte next to him was magnetized or something like that.

Damn, I'm discouraged now...someone else has to take the ending.

Time to go play poker and win all the money I lose...


^ you get that?

Sean plays on "In Memory Of", track 7 on Ink Compatible. He was supposed to play on Melissa's Friend, but it didn't work out.
