Rough track mixing advice/criticism needed


New Metal Member
Apr 4, 2013
So I am pretty new to my kemper and recording (Reaper).

This is pretty rough, just two full takes panned left/right with basic bass and looping drums. I only used high pass and compressors on guitars, cut off highs with eq on bass and really was lost with superior drums tweaks.

Basically I am looking for what I can change so that I have a better starting point or goal when laying a track so that I do not have to process the crap out of it later. The Kemper is nice in that whatever I hear when playing will sound the same while recording but I still have to figure out the proper levels and such.

Anyway any tips or criticisms welcome.

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It's a good song dude! The snare isn't really loud enough in my opinion and if you have a better snare sample I would use it. The one you have is really poppy. Also as you said the bass needs work. Start with that and post the changes. Honestly I try to use as little guitar eq as possible.
Thanks for the feedback. It is amazing how far you can take simple scratch tracks once we get into mixing.

The eq on guitars is gone and replaced by high/low filters and I do not think they were properly panned in the last track. I doubled the bass tracks and dirtied one of them.

I seemed to have cut out a lot of the boominess in the first one with high/low filters on the different parts. I tweaked the kick and replaced and tweaked the snare.

Again it is just a basic scratch track that was put down so I could leap into mixing for a bit and try and learn. There seems to be a lot of good tutorials and any links to essential and important ones would be appreciated ( using Reaper BTW)

Any more feedback on what I seem to be doing right or wrong will give me a better idea of where I need to focus on the most.

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The snare sounds much better. I might turn it down a little bit more. Guitars and bass are much improved. Pretty solid as of now in my opinion but I would get some more opinions.
Thanks bryan. I am used to practising to drum loops so it kinda sounded normal to me though I do agree on the levels. Once I figure out some lyrics I'll try and blend everything so they all sound even throughout.