Royer mics

Mar 11, 2005
I keep seeing a certain type of Royer mic used in a sideways on position on snare drums but so far I dont know which one. Anyone got any ideas or know the pros and cons of this mic?
where exactley are you seeing this? i try to find pictures from productions all the time, and it seems to be the biggest pain in the ass...

im trying to find anything from the iowa session for slipknot. nu metal and masks aside, the cd sounds awesome. ross and mike did a really good job.
they're great, esp. the r-121.
there's a royer labs demonstration cd, that's pretty good.
royer prought me to i'm using the beyer m-160 alot on basically just anything.

ribbon-mics are killer on guitar!! (clean, acoustics and dist), on brass, woodwind, strings, cymbals, as roommics......or just to hold them tight and caress them.
oh my beloved ribbons.....:worship:

try the r-121 (fig 8) with the beyer m160 (cardioid) in an M/S config on an acoustic guitar, you'll never use any other technique again!!
the 121 is amazing on heavy guitar too.

use it straight slightly off centre in place of the off axis mic in the bob rock/freidman (sp) position.

takes a while to get it in phase with the other 57 but well worth the effort.

so much nice useable bottom end, blends really well with the crunch of the 57
smooth as hell
axeman720 said:
yeah i'm with andy, i was actually gonna say the same thing. your prolly seein a neumann km86. great mic indeed.

Was this the snare mic used on Metallica's "Black Album?" I seem to remember seeing some wierd mic in the horizontal position on the snare from the "Year and a Half in the Life of Metallica" video.
OzNimbus said:
Yeah, I figured as much. Great. Now I've gotta track one down....

Any idea what the street price is on one of these?

They're discontinued and hard as hell to find, but there's on eBay from the UK right now at 500 - I assume it'll end at around a grand.
I love my R-122 on distorted guitar, acoustic guitar and percussion. I used it to make sanre samples a while back, but I didn't trust the drummer to put the mic on the kit.

For distorted guitars, I've found that the Royer needs a faster, brighter pre than a Neve. I'll be trying it with an API in a few weeks to see how it does with that.