RP where are you waddling ?


Sep 16, 2001
Toronto , Canada
Are you going to Motorhead next Sunday?
If so, lets hook up before the Dio show!
And I hope this time Bruce Dickensonofabitch will not be a fucking DICK
In 2001 aug 1, he was ranting about how Toronto has no metal heads lef and in Montreal "thats is the town and TORONTO IS LAME
$80 ticket will detrack your view....whatever ...That was Halfords first show with his new group (He left Priest here aswell in Toronto) Halford kicked Maidens ass hahahaha-------Saaaaaints In Hellllll- Stained Classss
Mr. Harris is a great fella, my wife asks Harris " why is your singer such a fucking man bitch" Harris answered $^#&%$^^ anyways ,Mr. Harris will not drink Booze, so all the people buying him Jegg (since we are at the Jegg bar or how ever it's spelled the poison) Mr. Harris tells them "my Mate will drink em for me" Fuck I got pissed drunk that night hahaha

If Bruce is gonna be a prick again,I will bring a elastic and paper clips haha

-where's Forbidden A and The Sin????