RR rip off

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Sleek and stylish, the hot shape of the triangular-bodied Metal Axxe® Reaper™ really cuts the rock mustard. With a solid wood body and maple bolt-on neck, the sound of the Reaper™ slices straight through any mix, thanks to a powerhouse pickup layout of two rampaging twin blade polepiece humbuckers, held in check by individual volume rotaries with master tone control.

An edge-bound 22 fret rosewood fingerboard features inverted sailfin inlays, whilst the neck is topped by an aggressively pointed headstock holding six-in-a-line tuners matching the body’s eggshell matt black finish.

A satin black stop tailpiece bridge finishes the menacing all-black Reaper™ effect perfectly.
Translation - This guitar is a piece of garbage, and deserves to be thrown out with your cat's shit. It also tries to be cool by loking like a Randy Rhoads while incorporating the Stupid idea of a non-floyd rose metal guitar. If you want to buy this guitar there are two things you must do first: (1) get yourself 199 Pounds, and (2), kill yourself. Then you are ready to shred to Real Death METAL.
*cuts the mustard* WHOO I AM VARG VIKERRNESSS...err... AXXE! o_O; Wtf - anyways, Guitar Design Ripoffs are kinna natural... Squier, Fender's "Cheap-line-daughter" (like Epiphone & Gibson) also makes Les Paul-design Guitars.. ^^;;