Ibanez RG350DX ( ) Jackson RR-3

Dec 8, 2005
I have heard some good things about the 350DX, and I have heard some bad things about the RR-3. But I really want a Jackson RR w/ tremelo and that seems to be the cheapest way to get one. I also like Ibanez RG's because they are very versatile guitars. Which, in your opinion, is the better guitar for its money?
How much is a Jackson Star in Pounds Sterling and how much would it be to ship one to England? Do they have a catalogue of guitars somewhere?
Get the Ibanez, the rr3 is a fucken piece of shit. If you are gonna to get a Rhoads get a RR5 or RR1, not crappy RR3.

The Ibanez will fucken rip apart that jackson.

Join the Ibanez army...
i have an ibanez and its shitfucking hell to play with it
but i agree with you in the rr3, fuck, there are better guitars for that money, get a jackson dinky
shitfucking hell in a good way or bad???

Once you get used to Ibanez, everything else feels like a piece of shit. The wizard necks can run over anything.
shitfucking hell = :puke:
it hasnt a pure tone you hear every very touch of your wrist on the strings... awful

last saturday i went do a music shop (very very big one) and tried some jacksons, they pwn the ibanezs thousand times, but thats everyone's own taste
i did and they stayed dry

boy come down, nothing against ibanez, mine isn't the best one (560€) but i like the jacksons much more