Rule of thumb before I take off permenantly

Manic Ferocity

Active Member
Nov 5, 2006
Metal is for long hairs in military get-up and violent skinheads. It’s not for thuggish bling-toting degenerates that wear pants that don’t fit correctly. Leave that bullshit in hip hop. [half-sincere]

[full-sincere] I can’t think of a single fucking band I listen to who fits that description and if there’s anything anyone has learned during my time on this board, it’s that I have exceptional taste in metal. Massive middle finger to the many, many people who allowed this place to turn into such a dump and full support to the very small amount of active posters whom I still respect. I’d stick around to see the replies but I already know exactly what they’re going to be and from whom.

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I love that the in crowd is crumbling before our very eyes


yeah man weeding out the poison from this forum. Those two were nothing but venom spilling, shit talking scumbags who literally tainted this forum with their presence and talked shit behind everyone's back. The rest of the in-crowd is aiight i guess. The funniest part about all this is the guy is pretty much a giant unstable poser and literally told me that "he has to keep up with his image" when he kept nonstop PMing me on here yesterday ... and i gave him a good lashing in return. Talking about long hair and violent skinheads lmao, ive seen numerous pictures of that dude in a designer suit, tie and Italian shoes with a haircut that you would see on an 8 year old.

yeah man weeding out the poison from this forum. Those two were nothing but venom spilling, shit talking scumbags who literally tainted this forum with their presence and talked shit behind everyone's back. The rest of the in-crowd is aiight i guess. The funniest part about all this is the guy is pretty much a giant unstable poser and literally told me that "he has to keep up with his image" when he kept nonstop PMing me on here yesterday ... and i gave him a good lashing in return. Talking about long hair and violent skinheads lmao, ive seen numerous pictures of that dude in a designer suit, tie and Italian shoes with a haircut that you would see on an 8 year old.

Yeah, I agree that nothing of value will be lost with his departure. He definitely talked shit about me behind my back.
When he just posted osdm and didn’t really talk he was a much better poster tbh. He definitely let a snarky man-bitch rub off on him.
When he just posted osdm and didn’t really talk he was a much better poster tbh. He definitely let a snarky man-bitch rub off on him.

He's basically assmad that he spilled his guts to someone who wasn't who they said they were and is now being ridiculed because of it. I sure would be scornful about that too.
The unmoderated aspect of this forum is definitely its strongest point. Maybe this place wasn't a "dump" a decade ago, but it was a lot more Facebook, which is a worse thing to be.