Rule of thumb before I take off permenantly

The unmoderated aspect of this forum is definitely its strongest point. Maybe this place wasn't a "dump" a decade ago, but it was a lot more Facebook, which is a worse thing to be.
In my entire time here (not all that long admittedly), I've only ever seen one act of moderation. It's pretty anarchic here in comparison to other forums.
In my entire time here (not all that long admittedly), I've only ever seen one act of moderation. It's pretty anarchic here in comparison to other forums.

It happens occasionally when things get too heated and Deron steps in and makes everyone give empty promises to behave themselves.

Things are peaceful for about a day or two...then it's business as usual.
I've talked shit about you behind your back plenty of times. Everyone does. If you don't talk shit about someone behind their back, you're a fucking liar.

Assuming "behind their back" means "through PMs, Facebook, or other modes of communication not easily visible on the forums", I don't think I ever have about anyone here. That's jr high girly behavior.
In my entire time here (not all that long admittedly), I've only ever seen one act of moderation. It's pretty anarchic here in comparison to other forums.

This forum is like the wild wild west, and there's a casulaty every other day. That's one of the best parts about this place. You have the gunslingers, the alcoholics, the whores, the crazy nutcases who walk around mumbling stuff and even a few town doctors. And at the end of the day, ONLY THE STRONG SURVIVE!
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Metal is for long hairs in military get-up and violent skinheads. It’s not for thuggish bling-toting degenerates that wear pants that don’t fit correctly. Leave that bullshit in hip hop. [half-sincere]

[full-sincere] I can’t think of a single fucking band I listen to who fits that description and if there’s anything anyone has learned during my time on this board, it’s that I have exceptional taste in metal. Massive middle finger to the many, many people who allowed this place to turn into such a dump and full support to the very small amount of active posters whom I still respect. I’d stick around to see the replies but I already know exactly what they’re going to be and from whom.

R.I.P. this post, it only lived for 20 days before its life was brutally cut short.
