Rumor - Shadows Fall @ Paldinos show


Maidens' drums
Aug 2, 2002
A little birdie just told me that Shadows Fall is currently in Los Angeles recording their new CD and have asked to come to our show tonight at Paladinos. :headbang: They will be escorted by the lovely Jasmin St. Clair. :) Damn, I would love it if Jason Bittner would play my drums!!!! :worship:
Doodoobubbachuck said:
Damn, I would love it if Jason Bittner would play my drums!!!! :worship:

Linda....umm.....was that a figure of speech...or..uhhh... ;)

They were quite nice and ready to have some fun after a hard night at the studio- some of us had a chance to say hello before the show.

Quite a night, I do love playing so close to home! But not everyone who comes is local - one guy flew in from Chicago just to hang with his bro and see our show!
Tap_Legion2 said:
I've yet to hear their cover of Dangerous Toys Teas'n Pleas'n...:err:

Thank GOD! Think of the senseless deaths of "intelligence cells" that you have saved by avoiding having to hear that song!

P.S. Thanks. now that ridiculuous song is stuck in my head! LOL!
You know waht I always tripped on about Dangerous Toys(besides the fact that they SUCKED!)is their singer used to be in this real heavy power metal band called Watchtower who were really good.I heard when dangerous Toys hit it big watchtower began selling out to thatcheeseball glam stuff to compete with tehir old singer.Failed miserably!