Rumors of PorkPower (ProgPower VIII Pig Roast)


Queen of the ’Ryche
Sep 20, 2005
Pittsburgh PA
Yes, you heard that right – PorkPower.

While I was in the PP chatroom last week, rumors of a Wednesday afternoon softball game and pig roast, appropriately dubbed "PorkPower", was mentioned. Some folks, I know, were discussing this as a possible "unofficial" (or maybe official if Glenn digs the idea) event to be coordinated, as a prelude to Wednesday night karaoke. If any of you who were a part of that discussion can keep the rest of us up to date about the legitimacy of this, that would be awesome. Gods know a pig roast would be just the thing to enable us all to fuel-up for the the next three nights of mad drinking and metal mayhem! The one thing ProgPower lacks is something of a tailgate party. Maybe "PorkPower" could be just the thing!

I'll plan to bring my drinking horn and a fork for ProgPower Ate.. I mean.. VIII! :kickass:

well considering Scott and I smoke some amazing porkbutt for pulled pork...(Southerners know what I'm talking about) He's often threatened that we should bring our smoker down and some some up for ya'll......I know that Everonn, Doc Metal and some of the NoVA Division crew can vouch for that.

But that is a damn good idea!

Coldfire Mouse said:
well considering Scott and I smoke some amazing porkbutt for pulled pork...(Southerners know what I'm talking about) He's often threatened that we should bring our smoker down and some some up for ya'll......I know that Everonn, Doc Metal and some of the NoVA Division crew can vouch for that.

But that is a damn good idea!

Hell yeah! Your pork butt rules all! :worship:

I think the idea is kickass...I'd definitely be up for both!
Aeturnia said:
I think the idea is kickass...I'd definitely be up for both!

I also love the idea, but how about THURSDAY afternoon instead of Wednesday?? A LOT of people don't come in until Thursday, self included (though after seeing Paul's awesome pre-pre-party videos, that may change next year...thanks, Paul!!!).

As much as I'd love to come down for it, it's hard to justify *another* day off....really, it's TWO for me, as it's only an hour flight from Raleigh, so I come down Thurs afternoon. I do contract work, so a "day off" means a "day without pay", not vacation time, but many are tight on vacation days, too.

Thursday afternoon would work as well as Wednesday, and probably get a better turnout....I don't see any advantage to Wednesday at all. Whatever is decided, I think it's a GREAT idea!

Smoked pig butts, Viking drinking horns, and spear-kabobs! I might have to suit up in full Valkyrie for this party!

I'm already working on a mascot. ;) Talked with John (Pyramaze51) a bit about this as we were hanging out before heading off to the airport... would seriously kick ass! Hell, we could do a guys vs gals thing and have the Pigs vs the Beavers. bwahahahah Yes this was also discussed. (insert evil Cheshire Cat grin here, or just look at avatar to the left)