Rumors regarding upcoming super-project

Andy Winter

Jul 10, 2002
It seems like news travels fast these days, and in response to some recent inquiries I am posting this to settle any rumors...

What I previously said about not having any guests participating on Winds is still the case. This has not changed. I am however talking to several musicians regarding an upcoming project that has been in the works for the last 5 years, and this is what some of you might have heard about. Who the involved parties are is not something I can reveal at this time, as nothing has been confirmed yet, but there are talks... let's put it that way, both as far as participating members and record labels are concerned.

All I can say about this new project for now is that it would become the largest gathering of (in my opinion) the most talented musicians ever to be featured on one record.

Andy Winter
Seems like it´s going to be something really big :cool:
I´m really excited and looking forward to hear about this mysterious project