Rumour has it that Anthrax...

Aussie_Outlaw said:
[color=#aoeooa]Are you nuts? Maiden are one of the best if not THE best live metal band in the world. There's no disputing that. Even if you don't like Maiden you should see them live if you have the chance.[/color]

No doubt. I saw Maiden a few weeks back, and they fed me my own nuts. Too bad early reports on the new album haven't been too good. It seems as though Steve Harris is in complete control, while Adrian and Bruce don't get much input. This is leading to the same kind of bullshit that we got on No Prayer. There's a pretty good review on BW&BK:

Aside from producer Kevin Shirley’s excellent online updates, the follow-up to Brave New World was locked up tighter than Fort Knox. Not a peep has been leaked aside from the band’s live airing of the leadoff cut/first single, ‘Wildest Dreams’, an unmemorable ‘70s-inspired Status Quo/Slade anthem. And with virtually every snapshot in time where leader/bassist Steve Harris’ head is at, the band consistently fire on all cylinders. Trouble is, the vehicle is in need of an oil change. Dance Of Death is undeniably classic Maiden. And Sanctuary knows if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. But that’s the problem. Aside from the orchestral bits that are peppered throughout the record, the writing template remains a constant. And there’s just way too much meat on the bone. Chop the record down by a third and release the follow-up in late 2004, not 2006. Never thought I’d see myself complaining about the length of a Maiden record, but in this case the UK heroes dilute the overall appeal of Dance Of Death by filling the mother up and the cup spilleth over. If you want epic, you’ve got it - nine cuts over five minutes plus, six of them over six minutes plus. Nonetheless, the event gets extremely tiring. Looking at the pure quality on Dance Of Death and not the inherent filler, ‘No More Lies’ is the first eyebrow lifter, although it fills the same shoes as ‘Blood Brothers’ from the last record. The chorus sees frontman Bruce Dickinson quite feisty, his lungs failing to wane as the years go by, whilst guitarists Adrian Smith, Dave Murray and Janick Gers solo up a three-headed gun fight. The excellent ‘Rainmaker’, ‘Gates Of Tomorrow’ and drummer Nicko McBrain’s lone inscription, ‘New Frontier’ (his first writing credit in 20 years!) are galloping dustups with memorable choruses to boot. ‘Age Of Innocence’ coulda been pulled from Bruce’s debut solo effort Tattooed Millionaire, it’s swing-like chorus adding a lighter tone to an overall somber record. A strangely refreshing guitar riff from Adrian Smith permeates ‘Paschendale’, a memorable epic detailing the historic World War I battle. Although the cut is one of many in Harris' repertoire that begin with a noodling bass intro, it quickly unites the six-piece in instrumental glory. The title track signals Harris storytelling time once again, but lyrically the longwinded tale is just too much to swallow. It's described as the centerpiece of the record, moreso it's a lesson in patience as the words smother the music. Finale ‘Journeyman’, the mellowest cut on the record, is a bizarre twist, but quite refreshing. It sees Maiden stretching themselves far into the future with never-ending acoustics, passion-filled orchestration and an autobiographical theme. Shame it took so long to get to this point. :hypno:
Aussie_Outlaw said:
Are you nuts? Maiden are one of the best if not THE best live metal band in the world. There's no disputing that. Even if you don't like Maiden you should see them live if you have the chance.

But Anthrax and Iron Maiden would be brilliant. Pity Maiden hasn't come down here since 1992 and Anthrax never have :(

No maiden bore me to death,i think there lame and over rated! and i wouldent waste 2 hours of my life at there gig! judas priest are a million times better they deserve all the attention from the magazines over here not iron boredom. plus i wouldent class iron maiden as a metal band and there defently not the best live band either
You've gotta be fuckin' kidding me! Iron Maiden were one of the most important bands in metal history! They helped to found the entire style of power metal, infusing more intuitive guitar harmonies, and combining the sounds of Judas Priest with Blue Oyster Cult. They kept experimental and technical metal alive in the NWOBHM scene, while Judas Priest, Raven, Diamondhead, and Venom were all trying to pander to American mid-tempo pop metal radio format. Not that there's anything wrong with the style, but it's kind of hypocritical to slam Iron Maiden for not being "true metal". :loco:

IM were arguably the best and most popular metal band of the mid '80s (possibly the most popular band in the world, at one point), and the never got ANY radio play in the US. Their live performances are legendary, and Live After Death is largely considered one of the most important live albums in rock history. Doesn't that say something?
Yep. The new single is half-assed (I've already said this), but I think it's ridiculous for a Judas Priest (or Anthrax) fan to slam Maiden. Honestly, the three bands aren't that far removed.

If the first seven Maiden albums had never been released, the metal world would be a VERY different place. Probably every great metal act from the mid '80s onward has been influenced by them in some way. There's a reason that people refer to Maiden and Priest as "the metal tradition". They invented an entire style of galloping riffs and guitar harmonies. One can argue that without Maiden, bands like Queensryche, Angra, Nevermore, Ed Guy, Gamma Ray, Seiges Even and Savatage wouldn't even exist.

Iron Maiden was the missing link between the rest of the NWOBHM, power metal, and thrash metal. If you can't see that, you need help.
Well when I heard Maiden were playing in Glasgow in December I phoned my friend, & so he's going to organize it. And just incase he wasn't too convinced with Maiden, I said that I reckoned that Thrax would be coming along. I didn't hear any rumours or anything, it was just a gut feeling, as well as knowing that Scott replied to my email saying that they are going to try get back here before the end of the year.

So yeah, that would be amazing if what I've been saying since the tour was announced came true:D
I don't really care if they infulanced anthrax, the first album to me sounds more like judas priest than anything!

So i guess songs like run to the hills isent popish at all ohh weell if you can't see that then your oubvisouly missing something, i can think of a fair few bands from the 80's that werent infulanced buy iron borddom, sodom. tormentor, slayer loads more, more than over rated if they were a new band that came along no one would give a shit about them just like if a new band realsed st anger there wouldent bee all this talk blah blah blah
anthrax_moshing_maniac said:
I don't really care if they infulanced anthrax, the first album to me sounds more like judas priest than anything!

So i guess songs like run to the hills isent popish at all ohh weell if you can't see that then your oubvisouly missing something, i can think of a fair few bands from the 80's that werent infulanced buy iron borddom, sodom. tormentor, slayer loads more, more than over rated if they were a new band that came along no one would give a shit about them just like if a new band realsed st anger there wouldent bee all this talk blah blah blah

You're crazy if you think Iron Maiden was not a HUGE influence on Slayer.

Also, it's rather pretentious to criticize Iron Maiden for having a few poppy songs while saying Judas Priest are just SOOOO much better. Come on, "Living After Midnight," "You've Got Another Thing Coming," "Breaking the Law," "Turbo," "Heading Out to the Highway," "Desert Plains," "Turbo Lover," "Green Manalishi," "Better Than You, Better By Me," "United," "Take On the World," "Prisoner of Your Eyes," "Some Heads are Gonna Roll" get the point. Priest did plenty of poppy songs. (Don't get me wrong, I love Priest.)

I'm out like AMM from a spelling bee...
well my last note to this didn't take so we'll try it again.

Actually Thrax did an extensive headline tour of Australia in aug. - sept. 1990. I'm pretty damn sure we played melbourne in that run. that may have been before most of you have memory of life but they did play there. I'll be digging up my old itineraries and tour shirt tomorrow to confirm. tro.

Aussie_Outlaw said:
[color=#aoeooa]Are you nuts? Maiden are one of the best if not THE best live metal band in the world. There's no disputing that. Even if you don't like Maiden you should see them live if you have the chance.

But Anthrax and Iron Maiden would be brilliant. Pity Maiden hasn't come down here since 1992 and Anthrax never have :([/color]
jdelpi said:
You're crazy if you think Iron Maiden was not a HUGE influence on Slayer.

Also, it's rather pretentious to criticize Iron Maiden for having a few poppy songs while saying Judas Priest are just SOOOO much better. Come on, "Living After Midnight," "You've Got Another Thing Coming," "Breaking the Law," "Turbo," "Heading Out to the Highway," "Desert Plains," "Turbo Lover," "Green Manalishi," "Better Than You, Better By Me," "United," "Take On the World," "Prisoner of Your Eyes," "Some Heads are Gonna Roll" get the point. Priest did plenty of poppy songs. (Don't get me wrong, I love Priest.)

Exfuckingactly. You can hear Maiden all over Show No Mercy, Haunting the Chappel, and Hell Awaits. In fact, you can still hear it on their later albums, if you peel away the layers of punk hardcore. Sodom? Tormenter? What is this, satan on parade? Just because a band plays chromatic scales with blast beats and cookie monster vocals doesn't mean they weren't influenced by Maiden. Death, Celtic Frost, and Possessed most definitely have Maiden concepts ingrained in their music. Without those bands, there IS no death metal.

But more importantly, who could ever imagine that anything Judas Priest did from British Steel through Ram it Down wasn't pop (not to mention filled with thinly-veiled and humorless homosexual innuendo)? Priest wasn't just playing the pop metal format, they helped INVENT it with those albums! It nearly ruined their careers with predictable and half-assed efforts, but they went back to it over and over again, because it was a dependable way to get airplay in the states. Yes, that's right, Priest changed to fit the American Radio Market. Sure, they were already popular in Europe and Japan, but let's be honest: the US buys more albums per year than most of the rest of the world put together. Priest wanted to retire comfortably, so they did what they had to.

Meantime, Maiden were far more inaccessable. If you wanted to hear Maiden, you either had to know someone who had the albums, buy it for yourself on a whim, or turn on Headbanger's Ball. Those were the days in the '80s, when a metal band could go platinum without getting played on the radio. Yep. American radio wouldn't touch IM, but by the mid-point of the decade, they were arguably the most popular band in the world. Judas Priest were making catchy, mid-tempo party rock, and Maiden still outsold them!

I think that says quite a bit about why so many metalheads have such enduring love for the band, not that I expect you to understand though. :loco:
I can't see iron maiden in the hell awaits at all! i see a LOT of venom and mercyful fate, no iron maiden in there at all!

Tormentor was infulanced by German thrash metal and a few Norwegian acts!

Ohh yes i should like maiden cause metal heads liek them i should be a sheep when i would rather be myself! you may like them cause other people call them as metal but at the end of the day if they were a new band comeing around you would class them as a nu metal band
anthrax_moshing_maniac said:
I can't see iron maiden in the hell awaits at all! i see a LOT of venom and mercyful fate, no iron maiden in there at all!

Tormentor was infulanced by German thrash metal and a few Norwegian acts!

Ohh yes i should like maiden cause metal heads liek them i should be a sheep when i would rather be myself! you may like them cause other people call them as metal but at the end of the day if they were a new band comeing around you would class them as a nu metal band

So you're not denying Priest is/was more of a pop band than Iron Maiden?

I am not telling you what to like. All I am saying is you should respect the fact that Iron Maiden was a major influence on many of the bands you like.

Just because Slayer didn't copy Iron Maiden on Hell Awaits is no proof they weren't influenced. Hell Awaits doesn't sound much like Judas Priest either. But no one can deny that Slayer not only dressed like Priest, copied their mannerisms and even covered a Judas Priest song. Slayer doesn't exactly sound like any of those bands they covered on Undisputed Attitude; it doesn't mean those bands were not influences. By the same token, Spreading the Disease doesn't sound much like Iron Maiden either. It doesn't take away the fact that Scott said all he ever did while he was in college was listen to Killers on his walkman.

And Iron Maiden as nu metal? That's laughable. What the hell does Maiden do that makes them sound anything like nu metal?

I like them because I think they write awesome songs and are excellent musicians.
I hear loads of Iron Maiden in Fistful Of Metal and Spreading The Disease. Why? Cuz Maiden kicks some ass, that's why!

And about which band influenced who, let's just remember that all metal bands are pretty much offshoots of Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, and Deep Purple...
I have never really creamed my pants from IM, yet I like few their albums and I know they rock live. Still I slightly prefer JP to them. IM seem to me like they rip themselves off these days. Haven't come up with anything new since...yeah, Blaze! :lol: And that was just a joke to kid their fans a bit I guess.