Run to the hills book

shadow walker

Sep 11, 2003
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anyone read it? and what is it mostly on, like tours, life, music n shit or all that and more? i mean i dont wanna read about how they set the stage up in finland or anything like that, info please!
it's a great bio, starts off at the very beginning. Each member has his own chapter (each ending on how they joined Maiden). The new edition was released after Rock in Rio, so it talks about the reunion and what happened during that meeting... Good book
shadow walker said:
anyone read it? and what is it mostly on, like tours, life, music n shit or all that and more? i mean i dont wanna read about how they set the stage up in finland or anything like that, info please!
If you're speaking of the Official Iron Maiden Biography, then I believe that it was originally entitled Running Free. I used to have the original edition back in it's first printing and the book ended before the start of the World Slavery Tour.

Essentially, it follows the band from when Steve Harris conceived it to just before the tour in support of Brave New World. The various members of the band are also discussed, as are certain memorable shows and events in the band's history. You'll also get of the background as to why it was that Bruce left in the first place. Some of the information isn't very flattering to many members of the band, but does make for some interesting reading. :)
Keyser Soze said:
Run To The Hills is the official Bio, written by Mick Wall... got me Sanctuary Publishing copy right here :)

Me too! Very interesting read. Especially since they seem to include some of the more unflatering moments in Maiden's history without apparent censorship.
smylex said:
If you're speaking of the Official Iron Maiden Biography, then I believe that it was originally entitled Running Free. I used to have the original edition back in it's first printing and the book ended before the start of the World Slavery Tour.:)

I've been looking for that book for YEARS!!!

"Running Free: the complete iron maiden story" is the title, if I remember rightly. Make copies for us all! hehe

Running Free was a different book, by Garry Bushell (now slightly notorious in the UK as a columnist for The Sun). I never have tracked one down...

Run To The Hills, by Mick Wall, I have both editions of (both signed, too. Please don't hate me). Excellent book, and goes into stunning depth about the early part of Maiden's career - literally, Bruce shows up like two-thirds of the way into it. Wall was less interested in rehashing what's already well-documented, although he does cover well things like the fallout of the World Slavery Tour, and Blaze's entry into the band with Bruce's acrimonious departure. Dave Ling wrote the extra chapter added to the second edition that covers Blaze leaving and Bruce's return, and 'BNW'. Excellent book - a must-read for any Maiden fan, and I don't say that lightly.
Ahh..the good ol days. A guy I went to highschool with h ad the original.. ME WANTS! :)

Got both copies of the other one too, Luna...tho not signed (hates you for it..hehe)
