"Runes to my memory" played on drums

Nice drumming... Though you can't hear the guitar over the drumming... And I knw you said your vocalist isn't Johan Hegg, but he sounds like he's gobbing as he sings... Needs more work.
The whole thing around is not loud enough but it gets better to the end. Nice drumming :) but I really dislike the new-metal-style of the vocalist! :erk: The guitar is perfect I think. Sounds like the studio version of AA - as far as i can hear it ;) I think your mates need louder equipment or if not they should turn it louder ;)

Greets Helge
our singer likes metalcore and we play some metalcore songs (see videos). so that is where his style is coming from.:)
you're right.

he simply cannot do this deep growls like Johan does. so he has to do it in some other way.