Hey dudes
I worked with a Yamaha EG 120 through a V-amp pro I´m corious about what you´ll say about the guitar sound. I worked with cheap gear this time...(even the beer was not expensive "Oettinger" for the specialists) This propably explains the headache
Actually I wanted to mic my new KRANK amp, but I deceided for the v-amp initially(reason of comfort). In the next days I´ll record amps.
For the drums I used my Pearl Export/Sabian drumset with 8 microphones. I replaced the kick (Sneap) and the snare(Tama superstar) but I added it with the Overheads. After listen to it now, I think, the overheads could be louder and the kick is a bit too loud!
Here we go:
Short clip, real played drums & a bottle of cheap beer!
What do you think about the mix & drumsound?
Felix Neumann

I worked with a Yamaha EG 120 through a V-amp pro I´m corious about what you´ll say about the guitar sound. I worked with cheap gear this time...(even the beer was not expensive "Oettinger" for the specialists) This propably explains the headache

Actually I wanted to mic my new KRANK amp, but I deceided for the v-amp initially(reason of comfort). In the next days I´ll record amps.
For the drums I used my Pearl Export/Sabian drumset with 8 microphones. I replaced the kick (Sneap) and the snare(Tama superstar) but I added it with the Overheads. After listen to it now, I think, the overheads could be louder and the kick is a bit too loud!
Here we go:
Short clip, real played drums & a bottle of cheap beer!
What do you think about the mix & drumsound?
Felix Neumann