Short clip, real played drums & a bottle of cheap beer!

Felix Neumann

Sep 14, 2008
Hey dudes :kickass:

I worked with a Yamaha EG 120 through a V-amp pro I´m corious about what you´ll say about the guitar sound. I worked with cheap gear this time...(even the beer was not expensive "Oettinger" for the specialists) This propably explains the headache :lol:

Actually I wanted to mic my new KRANK amp, but I deceided for the v-amp initially(reason of comfort). In the next days I´ll record amps.

For the drums I used my Pearl Export/Sabian drumset with 8 microphones. I replaced the kick (Sneap) and the snare(Tama superstar) but I added it with the Overheads. After listen to it now, I think, the overheads could be louder and the kick is a bit too loud!

Here we go:

Short clip, real played drums & a bottle of cheap beer!

What do you think about the mix & drumsound?


Felix Neumann
Drums are not bad but the toms seemed to far panned to the right. Overall mix sounds good but the guitar tone sounds a little weak in the intro. Did you double track the solo lead lines?
Drums are not bad but the toms seemed to far panned to the right. Overall mix sounds good but the guitar tone sounds a little weak in the intro. Did you double track the solo lead lines?

Thank you very much for listening :) The drums fill-in is panned to the right for FX reasons. I also added a phaser. The lonely lead guitar in the middle is a bit weak indeed. I think, I´ll do some improvements. I did not double track the lead lines so far.


Felix Neumann
I think the cymbals could come up a little bit more. maybe add some more lowend to the kicks, sounds really clicky. guitars are just a bit undergained IMO but besides that I really like where you're heading!
I think the cymbals could come up a little bit more. maybe add some more lowend to the kicks, sounds really clicky. guitars are just a bit undergained IMO but besides that I really like where you're heading!

Thanks so much, dude :rock: I recorded & mixed it again..this time with Krank/Mesa combination, cymbals louder, more lowend. I will open a new thread in the next time.
Hey Felix, I'll check this out (and the Krank one you just posted) later today, cuz my ears are completely fucking useless right now after going crazy tweaking my Recto! (for this thread)
Hey Felix, I'll check this out (and the Krank one you just posted) later today, cuz my ears are completely fucking useless right now after going crazy tweaking my Recto! (for this thread)

Hahaha okay, Marcus! Fully understand this :) Actually I wanted to let this thread go down(because of the new Krank thread), but the comparison shows an interesting difference between the two versions. On this thread I use non-expensive gear (Yamaha, V-amp) and for the KRANKSTER!!! thread I really used high quality guitar gear. The improvement and difference is awesome.