This is the first time I've ever tried to put anything together using entirely real sources (no POD for guitars or FruityLoops for drums
) so I thought I'd post it up here... I just did it quick to kill time and have something to practice on so it's just a super condensed clip of Slaughter of the Soul by ATG.
Guitars are mahogany Ibanez RG with EMG 81 in bridge through a Boss GT8 just running a tube screamer sim into a Single Rectifier running through a Mesa OS 4x12 with V30s. SM57 about half inch from the grill cloth pointed between the dust cap and the cone. I put no effort into experimenting with mic placement, I just stuck it where it's "supposed" to go and hit record
There's a weird resonance that you can hear really obviously on the big chugs near the beginning, not sure where they came from, maybe reflections in the room because the cab wasn't isolated or anything? Try and ignore it
Bass is a Warwick Rockbass through a Yorkville 1x15 combo that I took the line out signal from.
Vocals were done handheld using an Audix OM3.
Drums are Yamaha Stage Custom with mostly Sabian Evolution cymbals, SM57 on snare top, i5 on snare bottom, D6 in kick and ATM450s on OH. Snare and kick are blended with samples.
I'm an awful drummer so forgive the sloppy playing. No EQ on anything yet except a high pass on the overheads. Vocals have a gate, comp, and verb but none of the other tracks have been touched with any processing...
Am I off to a good start...? Clip.mp3

Guitars are mahogany Ibanez RG with EMG 81 in bridge through a Boss GT8 just running a tube screamer sim into a Single Rectifier running through a Mesa OS 4x12 with V30s. SM57 about half inch from the grill cloth pointed between the dust cap and the cone. I put no effort into experimenting with mic placement, I just stuck it where it's "supposed" to go and hit record
There's a weird resonance that you can hear really obviously on the big chugs near the beginning, not sure where they came from, maybe reflections in the room because the cab wasn't isolated or anything? Try and ignore it

Bass is a Warwick Rockbass through a Yorkville 1x15 combo that I took the line out signal from.
Vocals were done handheld using an Audix OM3.
Drums are Yamaha Stage Custom with mostly Sabian Evolution cymbals, SM57 on snare top, i5 on snare bottom, D6 in kick and ATM450s on OH. Snare and kick are blended with samples.
I'm an awful drummer so forgive the sloppy playing. No EQ on anything yet except a high pass on the overheads. Vocals have a gate, comp, and verb but none of the other tracks have been touched with any processing...
Am I off to a good start...? Clip.mp3