Rush Hour Congestion

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
I spent nearly 2 hours this afternoon driving 26 miles round trip. Is it anywhere near as bad as this in your neck of the woods? 33 million illegal immigrants, none of which speak engrish, turning left on reds, blocking intersections, shilling freshly tapped coconut milk and mixed mango bags o'plenty. Then you have the Jefferson's who pan handle so gnats won't burn on the grill (their teeth). Every which way you turn lies a procession of disgust. Pah!

Note - Technically this two hour voyage wasn't even during rush hour, but between the hours of 2pm-4pm.
Fuck that. I live a mile and 2 right turns away from school, and I get pissed off having to deal with the two left turn lights on the way home. But two HOURS?! Two hours of your life you'll never get back right there.

This is why I don't bitch about being in a zombie like state due to the sleep deprivation that accompanies working graveyard. I rather just have a caffeine drip going in to my wrist than to be in bumper to bumper Westside traffic 10-12 hours a week. The two hours on this occasion was worth it, as it was to vote to remove the disgusting veil of negardom that surrounds my department like a Diane Fossey daycare center. The main coon gave me the stink eye when I came in to vote for decertification, as he very well knew my position on the matter.

But back to the traffic, it's fucking ridiculous mate. I can't even attend an Angels/Ducks game in this city as it would literally take me two hours to drive to Anaheim. (40 miles away) Taking in the Dodgers is a viable option, but I'd be rubbing elbows with 18th Street Vato Locos at the relish dispenser, FUCK THAT. I heard on the radio today that somewhere around 4/7ths of all spics reside in the great state of California, ahhhhh fuck my soul!!! :puke:
It's become increasingly worse over the past 3-4 years. At my previous job I'd be able to drive to work at a somewhat decent rate between the hours of 7-9am. The same freeway which I used to take at that time is now cluttered with bumper to bumper GM engineering for as far as the eye can see. If you're driving in to the city in the morning, you're fucked. If you're driving out of the city in the afternoon/evening, you're just as fucked. Rush hour starts at noon in the favela of my dismay.
This is what I dream for on a daily basis...

I'm serious about If I ever have a commute like that, It'd save my life.

I can give you two free books too, if you want.
Learning while you're stuck in traffic would be ace. I find it a performance, just as much as I am listening to a book.

Do whatever you wish, anyways.
Learning while you're stuck in traffic would be ace.

That's where the talk radio comes in to play. Everyday I learn of a new method the state government implements to finagle the tax payers. Such as the Department of Water and Power threatening a tax hike to pay for several water mains that erupted in fag land. Though these pipes could have been maintained with the 262.7 million dollars they had in their coffers before the surplus was dumped in to the county's general fund. The federal/state governments are nothing more than brigands, and I say that towards republicans and demoncrats alike. Time to scrap the system and start over. California is by far, the worst state in the union.
California is the best state in the union....

....and I've kept my car 3,000 miles away from it.
There are occasions when my 5 mile drive to work takes me an hour, but that is usually due to an accident or some such shit. My primary route to work is also a major route for those heading downtown or to Ohio State. If we took the campus out of the picture, traffic would be fine.
Being on Columbus streets coinciding with the end of an Ohio State football game is an absolute nightmare.
if I lived in vancouver I'd be griping about the 1.5-2 hour commute (depending upon work location)... but I live in Berlin, a city spoiled with its wonderful mass transit system... 45 minutes to work each way, but with my current job I don't even have to change trains.... throw on some music sit in a corner and read a book.
There are occasions when my 5 mile drive to work takes me an hour, but that is usually due to an accident or some such shit.

Same here and I take the LIE (long Island Expressway) to work which is I think in the top 5 of worst traffic roads in the nation. Luckily I catch it right at the point where it eases up.
I read on Wikipedia ( so it must be true ! ) that Highway 401 in Toronto is the busiest stretch of highway in the world, and also one of the largest, spanning between 6 and 18 lanes wide as it passes through the city.

Fuck that shit, it can be absolutely TERRIBLE
Luckily I work odd hours and am never on the roads during rush hour. The few times I have had to make the morning commute into D.C. have been nightmarish. At least a 2.5 hour commute if I leave between 7-9, fuck that noise.