Rush to be inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame!

This is a day of celebration at my house...after many years of being outwardly snubbed and ignored by the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, Rush is finally going to be inducted next spring as part of the "class of 2013". What makes this great is that they were inducted upon their first nomination. What makes this even better is that one of the "big-wigs" in the Hall (Jan Wenner) has said many times, "Rush will never get in as long as I'm alive". Guess what? He's not dead! I wonder if he likes his crow well-done or medium-rare? :lol:

Anyway, you all know my love of Nightwish, but Rush is my first favorite band ever. I grew up on their music and they pretty much laid down the foundation for the kind of music I love, and set the standard for that in music which I find to be exciting and interesting. Even bands like Nightwish who were not influenced by Rush, I would not even know of their music if not for Rush because they are a band who has succeeded while daring to be different, and I have always gravitated to bands like that because of them. So while everyone knows I love Nightwish, for me, Rush is on a separate level altogether: "there's Rush, and there's everyone else". So to see them finally get this well-deserved honor is a happy day for me indeed. :D

The only people who will probably come into this thread are Enigma and Traxan (and maybe Snowy or Tramz), but I feel this post had to be made because: 1) on a selfish level, it's something that makes me happy, and 2) it's about time the Hall of Fame did the right thing and is at least trying to not be so much of a sham. ;)

I realize that most fans outside the U.S. probably don't know or care what the R&R Hall of Fame is and will probably fail to see the importance of such things, but the fact that Rush has been eligible since the late '90s and have been ignored while bands of lesser talent or not as much seniority have practically waltzed in; maybe you can understand why this moment means so much to the fans.

Geddy has already made a statement; saying that his mom is thrilled about their induction, and that he is glad for the band's hardcore fans. "It was a cause they championed," he says in an interview with Rolling Stone (a magazine that up until recently, played a huge part in the "it's cool to snub Rush" bandwagon). "I'm very relieved for them and we share this honor with them, for sure." He also said they will be attending the ceremony ("It's a terrific honor and we'll show up smiling."), but no word yet as to whether or not they will perform as well (as it is customary for inductees to perform a song or two after officially being inducted into the Hall, as well as doing a "band jam" at the end of the ceremony with all the other artists who were inducted alongside them).

Yes indeed, 12-12-12 is a momentous occasion for me. Definitely a wonderful early Christmas present!

Congrats Rush; you deserve it!!! :kickass:

Suck it, Jann Wenner and all other Rush haters!

Congrats Rush; you deserve it!!! :kickass:
+1000 for this!! :worship:

There are many less laudable bands who got in too early. Definitely time for Rush to get recognized for theit quality work over decades. :rock:

Suck it, Jann Wenner and all other Rush haters!
C. you just made my day! :Smokedev: :muahaha: :flame:

Also Congrats to another long time runners Heart for induction into the R&R Hall of Fame. Ann & Nancy you deserve it!!!

I don't really follow the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, or really any awards in music (I won't even indulge in the CMAs, AMAs, or anything even if it's all over the media).


I'm really surprised RUSH wasn't in the RaRHoF to begin with! What? I'm not a huge fan of Rush, but every song I have heard from them has been pretty freakin' amazing. It's not really my kind of music, but I can respect the musicianship and talent.

Rush not in the Hall of Fame until 2013?! This information has surprised this kat.
Yes, it has been an outrage among fans (and even folks like you who are not necessarily fans but understand that they belong in there); they've been eligible since *1999*!

I normally don't follow these things either, but Rush fans have been campaigning this ever since they've become eligible, so it's been a long time coming for us to see them get the recognition that they have earned.

Enigma: Yes, I read also that Heart got in this year too! This is reallly amazing; it's so rare that two long-deserving bands get inducted in the same year. A shame that Deep Purple didn't make it this year too, but they were nominated, so their chances of getting in next year look pretty good.

A bit of trivia: Heart is technically the first band from Seattle to ever get a record deal. Yes, Jimi Hendrix was from Seattle too, but he relocated to England so it doesn't quite count. Heart is the first band from Seattle who lived there and still remain there, who ever got a major record deal.

Bonus points for anyone who can guess who the second band was. Hint: it wasn't Nirvana. Second hint: anyone who has known me longer than 5 seconds and knows my list of favorite bands should automatically know the answer. :lol:

The Hall of Fame ceremony won't air on television until May 18th, but you bet I'll be watching it! I can only imagine how much $$$ the die-hard Rush fans with deep pocketbooks will pay to get tickets to the event. I know the prices won't come cheap!

I have a feeling that when Rush comes back to North America in the spring, tickets will not only be more expensive, but sell a lot faster too. Much as I'd love to see them again on this tour, I also suspect that the setlist will be a lot more geared towards their Hall of Fame nod and feature more of their "hits" and not as much of the obscure tunes that made last month's show so awesome. We shall see.
Okay, now I'm curious. I've lived in the Seattle area since 2004, and I have no idea.

I also don't like Nirvana :P
If you've lived in Seattle that long, then you have at least heard of this band, even if you aren't familiar with their music.

*Jeopardy music plays...*

Another hint: It's not anyone from the "grunge" period, so Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, and Pearl Jam are automatically off the list. That should cut down on your guesses quite a bit.

Yet another hint: The band's (now former) frontman is one of the most revered voices on the metal scene, probably right after Dickinson and Halford. Which should be a huge clue.
Yay! You got it!

I have to say, if I wasn't a Queensryche fan, I probably never would have gotten into Nightwish, as Operation:Mindcrime is Symphonic Metal 101 at its finest.

Though I have to say honestly, if you're hearing stuff after 1997, to me, that's not the "real" Queensryche. You want the band that flawlessly merged operatic vocals and progressive elements, go to earlier masterpieces like Rage for Order or Mindcrime, or even later masterpieces like Promised Land (where the symphonic or operatic elements aren't as prominent, but still make for some amazing melodic goodness).
Yeah, I got into NW through the 'Evanescence/Lacuna Coil route' Though I didn't really know of QR until later (I listened to Ev and LC before I moved to Seattle, then was informed of Nightwish. Later on I started hearing about the locals :P)