rush - vapor trails

jimbobhickville said:
add me to the list. I didn't care for Presto or Hold Your Fire, but both are awesome compared to the suckiness that is Roll the Bones. Seriously, the only decent song on that one is the instrumental one.

I agree about the lameness of Roll The Bones, enjoy most of Presto, and while a large chunk of HYF is definitely cringe-worthy (Geddy, what were you thinking with those synths?), I can't say I hate the whole thing...
Mike and Eddie are coming, so it should be a good game. I have a good dungeon.

Stevo, this D&D shit, it sucks.


It sucks.

But you're a seventh-level magic user. It's going great for your character.

Stevo, it's bullshit, though. "Magic user." What the hell's that?

These elves and dwarves and dragons, man.

This music...

Rush is a very good band.

Their music is very complex, and the perfection...

I'm not saying they're not talented, and, yeah, they rock... but it's not the only music out there.

I've got a John Denver record.

I'm serious.

Anyway, I like them. They rock, man.

There's a whole world out there. People are having fun. We should be going to parties... getting drunk, getting laid... being wild.

The last time we went to a party we got our asses kicked.

Maybe we should have our own parties.

How about we turn this off...

Don't touch my stereo, Bob.

Give me a chance. Got this from a guy I know in L.A.

You know a guy in L.A.?


You tell me if this doesn't rock.

This isn't anything.

Just give it a chance.

What is it?

What is it?

Yeah, what is it, Bob?

It's new.
SLC Punk, it's fucking awesome.

Oh yeah and here's a puzzle to explain my feelings about Rush:

Iron Maiden > Rush > Judas Priest > Kiss