Russian NWOBHM band "NATISK"! Coming To London on 15jan2005,"Russian Winter" festival

Player 1

Russian Metalhead
My name is Sergey, I'm from Russia.
Let me introduce our best Heavy Metal band called NATISK. They play in spirit of "Iron Miaden"
Your comments are welcomed!
Here is the song, the best one, listen to it and enjoy: :rock:
Half of the sky.mp3
You can leave your reviews about the band here
We've got our official site, we have only russian version so far.

By the way! We are coming to London.
15 January, Trafalgar Square. There will be a festival "Russian Winter" and NATISK will take part in it!!! See you there!
We are expecting A LOT of people there on the festival... about 80 000 (!) as we were told...

If you like it, Here is a couple of other songs:
Grey Rain
Everything has been decided
Listen to it and enjoy it :hotjump:
Woah, you guys kick ass as a throwback NWOBHM band. You guys sound more like Maiden than early Aria!

EDIT: To namedrop another Russian band, some stuff here reminds me a bit of Legion as well. :rock:

EDIT 2: Holy shit, "Everything Has Been Decided" sounds like it could've been on Ample Destruction! You guys are fucking krieg.
You guys sound more like Maiden than early Aria!
Yes, you're damn right! But I couldn't even imagine, that someone heard about Aria in the US!!!

Wow, where did you get the music of such bands like Aria and Legion? They are very popular in Russia nowadays!
I haven't heard any recent Aria, but I love their early albums, "Megalomania" is my favourite!

Legion are still together? That's awesome man, how are their new releases??

I discovered the Russian old-school Metal scene using the internet, my friend.
That's awesome, weird that i never heard of them before, cause I go to Russia every year (have relatives living there) and i am pritty familiar with Russian metal scene. And influences from Aria are obvious.