Rust Belt Lights "Long Gone" CD/T-shirt pre-order!!


New Metal Member
Jun 2, 2010
Hey so yea the t-shirt is dope!!!!!

“Long Gone” CDEP Pre Order ON NOW!
After getting several requests we put the “Long Gone” EP on CD. This will be a short pre order and they will ship soon. We have a sick NEW T SHIRT DESIGN and a combo package up for it. All pre orders will get free stickers and we are working on a good surprise to throw in with each order.

RUST BELT LIGHTS consist of members of DAGGERMOUTH, DEAD HEARTS, and GET BACK UP. They came together to bring a fast, melodic, and catchy punk rock experience. This record brings to mind bands like Lifetime and Set Your Goals while still showing influence from their past bands.

REVIVER “Potential Wasteland” CD (digi pack)Pre Order is STILL ON!
The pre order includes a free “potential wasteland” POSTER(limited to 300) and REVIVER STICKERS. Also we have a great looking t shirt up now too.

REVIVER from Salt Lake City, plays melodic hardcore punk with a dark experimental side. You may have herd of these guys, formed in 2007 they have self-booked over 10 full tours and have covered the entire U.S. several times. This is a follow up to their full length (now out of print and on a now dead label). If you like MODERN LIFE IS WAR / AMERICAN NIGHTMARE / DECADES / and/or REFUSED, then give these dudes a shot. Also features guest vocals by Derek of DEFEATER. They will be on tour most of the year so you can’t miss them.

We recently added a ton of stuff to the distro, listed below is just a few...
Born Bad / Brain Dead / Saddest Landscape / S.B.V. / All Out War / Times Together / Fix My Head / Pianos Become Teeth / Overload / Watch Fire / Cross Me / Vicious Cycle / Rot in Hell / Trophy Scars / Shout Aloud / Birds of a Feather / Whiskey Trench / Ezra Joyce / Orphan Choir / Radical Attack / Her Breath on Glass / Government Flu / The Wrong Side / Debaser / Hammer Bros / Dissolve / Out to Sea / Take Control / Resolve and more.