Rust in Peace haters are foolish


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
This is the greatest metal album ever you tools! Don't you know that!?!?

In case that doesn't get me flamed, how about this: David Ellefson pwn3d Cliff Burton's best work with Rust in Peace.

RIP is my favourite SPEED METAL album of all time. I have a hard time thinking of it as a 'THRASH' album per se. Oh well, that's just me.

Also, here's an observation: the term 'Power Metal' has become a four-letter word as I'm sure you're all aware. IMO, there are essentially three types of PM offshoots:

1 - Those that were spawned from Helloween - Keeper of the 7 Keys I & II
2 - Those that were spawned from Judas Priest - Painkiller
3 - Those that were spawned from Megadeth - Rust in Peace

That's why the term PM is ridiculous, since #1, 2, 3 and all too different to group together.

The number #3 category has some seriously good shit which I would also refer to as speed metal, and not power metal.
JayKeeley said:
RIP is my favourite SPEED METAL album of all time. I have a hard time thinking of it as a 'THRASH' album per se. Oh well, that's just me.
Doesn't matter since it's the best ANY metal album ever. :loco:

speed metal = trash
thrash =/= speed

That's how I see it anyhow. But what do I know about genres?
IOfTheStorm said:
About power metal i would say the spawn from Iron Maiden - Powerslave, and Queensryche - The Warning (in the place of 2 and 3)
every single u.s. power metal group was spawn of these 2
Yeah I would agree with that, for most US power metal, and some non-US. But then I wouldn't even really think of that as PM as such, rather just 'plain' heavy metal.

Anyway, the point is, not all PM comes from Helloween as most people assume. Megadeth's RIP had an active role for sure. There are definitely bands out there who tapped into this vibe: speedy riff-oriented melodic medal.
RIP rules, the guitar solos are especially awesome. the only slight thing that could use work is in the songwriting for example, Poison Was The Cure is my favorite song, and minus that overlong intro to it, it's not even 2 minutes long.... :erk: plus i think the last track could be a bit better.
Is this some sort of joke? Who the hell hates "Rust In Peace"? It's one of the tightest albums I've ever heard, and definately a landmark album in heavy metal history.

That said, I do think track 3 is rather ridiculous.
i'm not really into the gang vocals that sing the rhyming long words looked up in the thesaurus... i just think it's kinda silly... ruins an otherwise promising song musically
I have to agree with PMF (big surprise)...the album would be absolute perfection if not for some of those typically daft Mustaine moments ("give me alchemy!" and the whole of Dawn Patrol in addition to "infiltrate them!") Only a minor complaint, and it's part of his identity for better or worse.
What is your problem with "Give me Alchemy!..."?

Five Magics is teh win!

Dawn Patrol: "...while our ner-ner-ner-nervous systems jerk..."

Also teh win.

On a score of 1-10, RiP is an 11.