Rusted guitar parts?


New Metal Member
May 7, 2002
The screws which hold in the pickguard have rust on them, as well as the pickups. What is the best, safest way to remove rust from these areas?

Bump. I have an Ibanez S540LTD I just got that have all the screws on the trem and pickups rusted, but only 2 of the pickups are rusted, and they're not rusted very badly. Anyone know where I can get a package of the appropriate screws for this guitar?
Talk to your local guitar store. The screws can be easily replaced, and would be quite cheap, so there's really no point in trying to clean them up, the effort wouldnt be worth it. As for the pups, you could probably take them out of the guitar and use a hard bristle brush with some WD-40 or similar product to get some of the rust off, this is availabe at hardware stores, just ask for a rust removing spray and the people should point you in the right direction.
that is the hard way.

just get a tube of toothpaste, a carton of eggs, and a can of black spaypaint.

paint a thin layer of paint onto the pickups and then put and half and inch of toothpaste of them and let is sit overnight.

do not remove the toothpaste. then completly submerge the pickups in the eggs in the morning. Throw the pickups into a pot of boiling water after 4 hours and bam. good as new!