Ryan MCombs


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Here's another one for the purist to bag on me about. Ryan has an amazing set of pipes. The chorus to Soil's "Unreal" kicks all sorts of ass.

If the code embedded code doesn't work, just click on the you tube link at the top and it will take you to the video - why the hell you would block a video you post on You Tube is beyond me)

While I prefer Soil, he sounds just as good in Drowning Pool:

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The point of the post was specifically the vocals.

I 100% put you in the "purist" cateogry (no offense) based on your posting history. I know many of you refuse to step into the modern sound and that's cool. As a counter point, I think a lot of the AoR stuff you enjoy is pure boring shit. I don't condemn anyone for their tastes just as I hope I get the same respect in return.

Back to the vocals....
Yeah I like him. At first I didn't like him so much, because he so obviously changes his voice to an unnatural sound. Then I remembered that I don't give a shit. Be fun to hear him doing a duet with Draiman. In Drowning Pool he reminds me a bit of Brent Smith (Shinedown). Good stuff.

BTW. How is the current singer for SOiL? I haven't heard him.
The point of the post was specifically the vocals.

I 100% put you in the "purist" cateogry (no offense) based on your posting history. I know many of you refuse to step into the modern sound and that's cool. I enjoy all kinds of music.

I don't know about that. I don't consider myself a purist. Quite frankly, I believe I've opened up a bit throughout the years. I do like some modern bands, but just not this type I guess. Actually, the ones that I like the best you would probably consider "wimpy". For instance, I friggin' love Angels and Airwaves. In addition, you and I have agreed upon Trivium and Alter Bridge in the past as well. :p

I agree glenn when I was in my nu metal stage I loved "Scars". The music now I cant stand, but I can apprecaite the quality of Ryan's voice.

Interesting tidbit is that if anyone is familar with Oppressor from Chicago, Soil was essentially Oppressor plus or minus a member. Interesting transition from real metal to nu metal.

edit: realized after I posted it might derail the thread so lets keep to Ryan's voice.
Interesting tidbit is that if anyone is familar with Oppressor from Chicago, Soil was essentially Oppressor plus or minus a member. Interesting transition from real metal to nu metal.

I think they also had/have a former member of Broken Hope.

Ryan does have a great voice. Unfortunately, the last two times I have seen him (w/ Drowning Pool) he has appeared pretty drunk while on stage.
The point of the post was specifically the vocals.

I 100% put you in the "purist" cateogry (no offense) based on your posting history. I know many of you refuse to step into the modern sound and that's cool. As a counter point, I think a lot of the AoR stuff you enjoy is pure boring shit. I don't condemn anyone for their tastes just as I hope I get the same respect in return.

Back to the vocals....
I might check this out, Glenn. BTW, I love the new DISTURBED album. Old school guitar solos which I love and the songs just fucking rock! SLIPKNOT's new album hasn't been out of my rotation since I opened it three weeks ago. Holy fuck does All Hope is Gone rip!
I love the new DISTURBED album. Old school guitar solos which I love and the songs just fucking rock!

I've not heard Disturbed's new one, so I can't make a judgement. However, Ten Thousand Fists is a great disc.

SLIPKNOT's new album hasn't been out of my rotation since I opened it three weeks ago. Holy fuck does All Hope is Gone rip!

Slipknot....these guys just don't do it for me. I owned their latest for a few weeks and wound up trading it in at the Disc Exchange in Knoxville. Some of their, "mean ol' America" lyrics get on my nerves as well. :rolleyes: If they don't like it, then fuckin' move to France! :Smug:

I thought he sounded great with Drownin Pool when I saw them at ozzfest a few years back, but the rest of the band sucked big time at the show, but he did impress me singing the old Drowning Pool material(which isn't the hardest stuff to sing, but I like a handful of their songs from their first cd). Myles from Alter Bridge owns, and the guy from shinedown is also amazing. I like Ben from Breaking Benjamin a lot as well, but from the live dvd I saw of them, he couldn't hit some of the higher notes but I understood he had a lung infection during that show.
I love his voice! When I was in high school I used to listen to Scars before football games to get me in the mood. He made a couple of albums with Soil before that one, I had one in my hands one time and did not buy it and have not found it since.

Drowning Pool - the only band I know of other than Iced Earth that has had three different vocalist on their first three CDs
The current singer (as of 2004, anyway) of SOiL is AJ Cavalier. It took me a second to get used to his voice when hearing Ryan's on the old stuff (especially "Halo"); anything from True Self, though, I can't hear anyone but AJ on it. He definitely has a strong voice and good stage presence, and he's an overall nice guy. I've had the privilege to hang out with him a couple of times when SOiL was in Atlanta / Birmingham and he doesn't have one iota of LSD (lead singer's disease) :) :)

Word has it that SOiL will be releasing another album around spring. They're working with Johnny K on it (makes sense for a big Chicago band).