rythm guitars need advice!


Mar 18, 2007
Hi guys, im working on a new EP and have started to dial in a 5150 rythm sound, what do you guys think if this? there is only 1 stereo raw file, (no c4 or eq or anything). feel free to eq it and post it and gimme me advice, OR do I need to tweak the settigns more on the 5150 ? with the new blackouts pickups.

Any opinion would be nice



By the way I upload some footage of the recording process.

http://onemotionband.com/studio/day 1.mp4
http://onemotionband.com/studio/day 2.mp4
Link doesn't work, and also since we don't know how either the bass/drums/etc sound, it's kinda hard to say if a guitar tone will fit or not.
well it didnt work hehe I add you on msn and send..hehe

//A friend checked the link and it worked for him ?!
Works for me now, nice riff, but it's really fizzy to me. Sounds like it's recorded with a cheap mic like a metre from the amp, it's missing the nice thick midrange.
Hmm I recorded it with 1 sm57 throu Mesa V30 cab with my OD808 and 5150.

Its only 2 tracks 100% L & R
Works for me now, nice riff, but it's really fizzy to me. Sounds like it's recorded with a cheap mic like a metre from the amp, it's missing the nice thick midrange.

yea I think its abit fizzy to, what should I do to get that away ?
Seems like the eq in the DAW doesnt fix it...
sounds cool, I'd personally back off the gain a whole lot, and then double/quad track it; try it, and see if you like it!
try cutting a bit around 9/12 k, maybe add some low end, listen to what works!
Well I don't particularly agree on the fizziness, but the best bet to get rid of it is moving the mic around the speaker cone, specifically away from the dust cap (but tiny movements make huge differences, so be wary). And +1 for double tracking over quad, it's always worked for me!
ok I try quad tracking, but! should I use 2 sm57 then maybe with "one straight" and "one 45angle" maybe? , I think it would be hard to get it tight to re record 4 takes of guitars...just for rhythm?
Works for me now, nice riff, but it's really fizzy to me. Sounds like it's recorded with a cheap mic like a metre from the amp, it's missing the nice thick midrange.

For me it sounds more like he used G12t75 speakers, typical fizz. And not the mic, but that's only my opinion.
by the way for you guys that is intressted this will be a new project with theunsound on vocals me and a friend on guitars, and daniel from katatonia have joined us on the drums :) so hopefully this will rock! cool that theunsound have travelled from usa to sweden, to put som vocal on this, I will post more info and clips and video as we go. so you all can help us out :)
anyone wanna mix or something later on or maybe even record the bass he or she will be welcomed :)