So how was the show... ?
Well in the end it was great though there was a lot of toing and frowing on where we were going to play on the bill... first of all we were told 11.00 ish as the Sabaton and co had to get to their ferry .. then we were looking at 7.15 and eventually it was put back to 11, this was after the tour manager was getting grumpy and saying okay Cancel the "local support" which the promoters dismissed straight away..
We were bit gutted as the idea of a support is so we could play to the "Sabaton" crowd which was a sell out last night btw... the place was rammed.
Thankfully more people stayed behind than we anticipated... which was great and some very loud people too i have to say .. some great audience participation through our set.
I thought we delivered a decent show considering it was nearly 4 hours later than we'd mentally prepared to go on
, wasn't overly happy with my own performance and not using my ear monitors always f**ks me up a bit but such is life.. as i mentioned the crowd were very loud and some great singing ... awesome...
We also did the quickest turn around ever .. considering none of our gear was on stage when Sabaton finished... and Pete the soundman was a star and did a cracking job under the circumstances...
So a big thankyou to everyone who stayed on... and made us feel so welcome...
To Sinister Heart for putting us on and fighting our corner (thankyou ladies)
Maria who re entered our world after 2 years and helped out on merch and was our stand in roadie..
Andy for merch and roadieing skills..
First night at the Purple Turtle and we'd like to come back
Well in the end it was great though there was a lot of toing and frowing on where we were going to play on the bill... first of all we were told 11.00 ish as the Sabaton and co had to get to their ferry .. then we were looking at 7.15 and eventually it was put back to 11, this was after the tour manager was getting grumpy and saying okay Cancel the "local support" which the promoters dismissed straight away..
We were bit gutted as the idea of a support is so we could play to the "Sabaton" crowd which was a sell out last night btw... the place was rammed.
Thankfully more people stayed behind than we anticipated... which was great and some very loud people too i have to say .. some great audience participation through our set.
I thought we delivered a decent show considering it was nearly 4 hours later than we'd mentally prepared to go on

We also did the quickest turn around ever .. considering none of our gear was on stage when Sabaton finished... and Pete the soundman was a star and did a cracking job under the circumstances...
So a big thankyou to everyone who stayed on... and made us feel so welcome...
To Sinister Heart for putting us on and fighting our corner (thankyou ladies)
Maria who re entered our world after 2 years and helped out on merch and was our stand in roadie..
Andy for merch and roadieing skills..
First night at the Purple Turtle and we'd like to come back