I think it is most certainly worth checking out.
That goes for everything that goes beyond our immediate impulses/surroundings.
It is very interesting material, especially seen where your interest lies, in sound I guess.
Take the sacred geometry, research it a little, take a look at what sound can do for ya
Here you can see that certain frequencies deliver very specific patterns.
(vid contains possibly irritating noise)
Remember that 'matter' is basically a wavefunction itself and what sound can do to it then.
http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=afuj1TOfs6w <<
I read this guys book, I believe it's still Dutch only, and he brings up alot of interesting facts that back up a theory that older civilisations where fully aware of the power of sound and the creative power it holds.
Take for instance the giza pyramids, perhaps those heavyweight block where lifted by a certain vibration.
Acoustic levitation, which isn't a fairytale at all ;
Basically my answer is, yes, interesting enough to get into.
I recommend you just do it and not mention or ask it on a ( non specified ) forum,.