"Sacred Geometry"


Damn Christians!
Aug 15, 2006
Boyton, WPB, FL
Just a quick question. Is it worth my time getting into this? I know jack shit about it. I'm about to start watching an intro to Sacred Geometry and before I waste my time I'd like to know if this shit is legit or a bunch of nonsense. Is it another attempt at proving there is a "God"?
well i havent seen whatever this is but it seems to make sense to me
i mean you look at the fibonacci sequence and everywhere you look there's spirals and it all makes perfect mathematical sense. my family has a long history of people that have been heavily into numerology and that all makes a lot of sense to me too. whether it attempts to prove there's a god or not, it's probably worth a watch, because the more i PERSONALLY think about this sort of thing and study it, the more there seems to be a deep sense of order throughout everything. whether that means a god made it or whether it's just a beautiful beautiful accident, thats down to the individual i guess.
but yeah, like i said, i cant vouch for this cos i havent seen it
There is a mathematical edge to it, and there is a smoked-too-much-weed-in-my-youth edge to it. I'm more into the former than the later.
Speaking of The Fibonacci numbers. This dude here http://www.maa.org/devlin/devlin_05_07.html says:

The Nautilus does grow its shell in a fashion that follows a logarithmic spiral, i.e., spiral that turns by a constant angle along its entire length, making it everywhere self-similar. But that constant angle is not the golden ratio. Pity, I know, but there it is.

Numerous tests have failed to show up any one rectangle that most observers prefer, and preferences are easily influenced by other factors. As to the Parthenon, all it takes is more than a cursory glance at all the photos on the Web that purport to show the golden ratio in the structure, to see that they do nothing of the kind.

I think I need Jeff (math Jeff) to chime in.
From my experience, most of it is psychobabble bullshit - coincidences that are blown out of proportion or just outright fallacies.
this is why i lean more towards the "i smoked too much weed" side of things
Reminds me on the guys who took all the math and astronomical relations the pyramids are famous for, and proved similar stuff for the ingenious construction of a common bicycle.
From my experience, most of it is psychobabble bullshit - coincidences that are blown out of proportion or just outright fallacies.

I kinda just finished a course which included fractal nature of well.. nature and this (quoted post) is true...

There is some order in nature but not soooooo much.

I think it is most certainly worth checking out.
That goes for everything that goes beyond our immediate impulses/surroundings.

It is very interesting material, especially seen where your interest lies, in sound I guess.
Take the sacred geometry, research it a little, take a look at what sound can do for ya ;)
Here you can see that certain frequencies deliver very specific patterns.
(vid contains possibly irritating noise)
Remember that 'matter' is basically a wavefunction itself and what sound can do to it then.



>> http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=afuj1TOfs6w <<

I read this guys book, I believe it's still Dutch only, and he brings up alot of interesting facts that back up a theory that older civilisations where fully aware of the power of sound and the creative power it holds.
Take for instance the giza pyramids, perhaps those heavyweight block where lifted by a certain vibration.
Acoustic levitation, which isn't a fairytale at all ;

Basically my answer is, yes, interesting enough to get into.
I recommend you just do it and not mention or ask it on a ( non specified ) forum,.
To say that matter is a wave function is a huge oversimplification. That's the problem with sacred geometry. YES... it is interesting. But too much of is is cursory and oversimplified with a desired goal in mind. It isn't a evidence based field, and that's my problem with it.

Sure does result in some beautiful artwork though.
So I saw the 101 series by Charles Gilchrist. I didn't learn anything. Except the names of a couple shapes. I already know this shit. (the patterns in nature) Just didn't relate it to anything sacred. I gotta agree with Roy, it's a bunch of psychobabble bullshit. A means to an end to prove some kind of creator. So it seems is the case with Charles Gilchrist. (I get his main focus is art)
yeah, we are definitely pattern seeking animals. the whole sacred geometry stuff is pretty bunk from a scientific standpoint. check out some of what hitchens, dawkins, and "the skeptologists" views on this shit. they put it into (hilarious) perspective. I don't have the links off hand (i'm at work). pretty interesting, none the less. There are some new agey people at my work who believe in this stuff, its pretty funny to listen to them explain it.

This is basically what i believe(If you watch the whole thing and bother to listen to the concept.).
Its that the universe was found on a relatively basic set of parameters, and this can in its turn generate something amazing(Space and time for instance.), and everything in this "universe" will have some kind of basis in this "equation".
Im half drunk atm. so im sorry for my retarded explanation.. just watch the vid and you'll get my point! :lol:
The sacred G! Tool's album Lateralus contained some phrasing based around the fib sequence. Keep in mind they were on a lotta drugs.