What is your opinion about this band? Almost all metal fans I've come across detest this band. However there is a small band of fans who really like them. I think I am a fan of the band. There's something about them that sits well with me. Of course there is almost unanimous hatred heaped upon vocalist and main man Gerrit Mutz. I see him as some kind of crazed metal loon with a very unique voice, some would say uniquely awful voice hehe! Of all the 7 studio albums that Sacred Steel has done my favourite is probably Bloodlust but all their albums have some great songs on them. In latter years they have experimented with darker more evil themes rather then just true metal which is so so in my opnion. I prefer it when Gerrit and co do balls out heavy metal, but they do like to expand their horizons on some songs, venturing into dark doom and also some power/death mix songs which are much more brutal sounding. Their last album was Carnage Victory in 09 and it was solid but not a massive fave of mine, whilst the one before that Hammers of Destruction was plain old school bloodthirsty heavy metal and much more my cuppa. I leave you with one of my fave songs from their catalogue. So what say you about Sacred Steel and the legendary yelper of metal, Gerrit P Mutz!
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