Sacred Steel

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
What is your opinion about this band? Almost all metal fans I've come across detest this band. However there is a small band of fans who really like them. I think I am a fan of the band. There's something about them that sits well with me. Of course there is almost unanimous hatred heaped upon vocalist and main man Gerrit Mutz. I see him as some kind of crazed metal loon with a very unique voice, some would say uniquely awful voice hehe! Of all the 7 studio albums that Sacred Steel has done my favourite is probably Bloodlust but all their albums have some great songs on them. In latter years they have experimented with darker more evil themes rather then just true metal which is so so in my opnion. I prefer it when Gerrit and co do balls out heavy metal, but they do like to expand their horizons on some songs, venturing into dark doom and also some power/death mix songs which are much more brutal sounding. Their last album was Carnage Victory in 09 and it was solid but not a massive fave of mine, whilst the one before that Hammers of Destruction was plain old school bloodthirsty heavy metal and much more my cuppa. I leave you with one of my fave songs from their catalogue. So what say you about Sacred Steel and the legendary yelper of metal, Gerrit P Mutz!

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It's so weird, cuz I have a few of their albums (that I got cheap, all of 'em), and the music is quite good. But I can't do Mutz. I can't. It's not the Udo "he'll grow on your" kinda situation, either. It's that I just wish he wasn't there. Like fucking Gene Adam...I listen, and just wish he wasn't singing. The fact that Sacred Steel has carried on with Mutz for so long....maybe they just can't convince anyone better? Or maybe it's Gerrit Mutz's band? I don't know. But damn. I can't do it.
It's his band. Other members have come and gone but SS is Gerrit and without him they are NOTHING, a big fat ZERO. :)

Though as you say most people or shall I say nearly 100% of people don't do Mutz as you put it.

By the way his previous band Tragedy Divine had one album which was pretty good but too technical for Gerrit so he decided to form SS way back. Still TD is good though. I know people who have not liked SS but have professed to be able to stand TD to a certain degree.

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I think he needs a vocal coach. He wasn't nearly as bad as I would've thought. I actually sort of liked his voice initially, but he does some questionable things with his voice that just doesn't sound right.
I think SACRED STEEL is great and I believe Gerrit Mutz is a pioneer of sorts. I respect anyone who develops their own style and Gerrit Mutz definitely has his. When AGENT STEEL first arrived on the scene many people said the same thing about JOHN CYRIIS, now he's become some sort of legend.

IMO, the style of SACRED STEEL and Gerrit Mutz captures the true spirit of 80's style Metal, which many times gets lost in today's copy-cat mentality.

Someone like JORN gets a lot of praise for his vocals, (don't get me wrong, I like JORN's stuff), but he sounds so much like David Coverdale and uses the exact same "vocal runs" that Coverdale & Dio has used since the 80's, it's hard to give him much credit in the originality dept.
Wow, I never thought I'd see Sacred Steel mentioned over here, lol. This is one of my brother's favorite bands, he actually introduced me to them quite a few years ago.

Although there are some catchy songs it's just really not my cup o' tea.
I love them! Gerrit Mutz's voice is part of the charm. He's so bad, he's great.

Yeah! That is exactly my point and I couldn't have said it better myself. The guy yelps like a wounded dog but yet he's part of the charm and adds character to the band to the point where SS is unmistakable from any other band. Of course it helps that the music is very solid.
I'm a fan. They are one of those bands that wouldn't be the same with a different vocalist. Been secretly hoping for a ProgPower appearance for years now. Slaughter Prophecy is my favorite.