Sad Halcyon F5 News (Some prayers needed bigtime here)

Mar 12, 2003
Many of you know me from my project Halcyon F5(F5 before fuckhead ellifson stole the name)
It saddens me to say this,but Leann Serao will not be able to continue as vocalist for Halcyon F5 due to health reasons.
Almost a year ago,she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis(which I had no knowladge of until yesterday).I guess most if not all of you know what that does to you.She thought that she could at least finish the upcomming CD we are working on,but it became aparent that this condition is starting to affect her life in a negative matter.
Her health comes first,so,she needs some positive vibes
the last song she recorded,Revisit Me,will be on the ProgPower compilation,as,it is by far her best work,and I have decided to not put this on the upcomming CD,but instead,release this as an MP3 single,with all proceeds going to some foundation for research on this disease.

As far as the future of Halcyon F5,I have a probable replacement that I will be meeting with on Long island in 2 weeks,99% sure this is the girl I'm going to use,an anouncement will be forthcomming then.
My dayshift counterpart at work (shared the same 'cube) had MS, and perished from it last year. She had been Federal Employee of the Year right before that, too. Best of luck to you and to her.


It's been a weird week. Roommate was involved in a serious car-wreck (he's okay, car isn't); our next-door-neighbor was killed two days ago ("Paul, was that your apartment building on the news?!")..... I'm kinda afraid to open the front door now. :(
What the hell is up with damned good musicians and all these brutal diseases lately? I can't believe this shit anymore. I mean... shit.

I'll send some positive vibes out to Leann tonight. I hope this disease is at least going to let her enjoy life. Yes, it's crippling, but hell. I dunno what to even say to this.
Chris Rifkin(HalcyonF5 and Stu said:
Many of you know me from my project Halcyon F5(F5 before fuckhead ellifson stole the name)
It saddens me to say this,but Leann Serao will not be able to continue as vocalist for Halcyon F5 due to health reasons.
Almost a year ago,she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis(which I had no knowladge of until yesterday).I guess most if not all of you know what that does to you.She thought that she could at least finish the upcomming CD we are working on,but it became aparent that this condition is starting to affect her life in a negative matter.
Her health comes first,so,she needs some positive vibes
the last song she recorded,Revisit Me,will be on the ProgPower compilation,as,it is by far her best work,and I have decided to not put this on the upcomming CD,but instead,release this as an MP3 single,with all proceeds going to some foundation for research on this disease.

As far as the future of Halcyon F5,I have a probable replacement that I will be meeting with on Long island in 2 weeks,99% sure this is the girl I'm going to use,an anouncement will be forthcomming then.

Hi Chris,

Sorry to hear about your bandmate, Leann. I hope that she manages to fight through this thing and that your band will continue with great success.

As for Dave, I spoke with him a while ago about the name and he said that one of the other band members suggested the name F5 and they all agreed to use it. Granted, they should've done some research, but I can assure you that they did not know about you guys. If I'm not mistaken, I think that there's a third F5 band out there as well.

A similar thing happened to me when I picked Avian, I did not know there was a german band with the same name that released a demo a few years ago.

Unfortunately, these things happen, but in the case of Ellefson's F5, it was purely coincidental.

Take care and I'll see you in September,
I hope that Leann's MS with time and rest can be beaten into submission or at least be more manageable for her. Hopefully she can collaborate down the road on tunes for Halcyon F5.

Keep us in the loop on how the Long Island person is working out.