SADUS new album



greetings, hows the progression of the new sadus album songwriting?, do you think it ll be faster and more agressive like the first albums, or it ll be a continuation of the ELEMENTS OF ANGER sound, or it ll be a mix of both styles?. It is a cool idea to include a Dvd together with the new album. Cant wait for it! . thanks in advance for the answer!
Hi there,

here's an unofficial spokesman for the band. You can definitely believe my words or not, but this is what I gathered with my years of hard work on the fansite, (I suggest you to pay a visit and explore throughout it for additional infos).

The new SADUS will be a mix of both styles. In the vein of EOA, but probably it'll feature some extra speedy song. I happened to witness a new song from their next effort, named SICK. This one song was brutally fast, technical and tricky. Very old school but in a "modern" way.

They're keeping on progressing. There's a rehearsal report from DEADLY EMBRACE available on the fansite, in the 'talks' section - you should check it right now to find out more. Songs are still under development. We can expect them to sound better than ever.

The new album will hopefully come out this year. the new DRAGONLORD will hit the stores first, and it will feature Jon behind the drumkit. Nothing new on the TESTAMENT front yet.

On other news, the recent things are that SADUS attended the NAMM 2005, and you can find some interesting fanpic on the 'pics' section.

Travis Smith will most probably take care of the new artwork.

Here's all, enjoy.