Sadus reissues



"Swallowed in Black" and "Chemical Exposure" are being re-released here in a few more days and I was just wondering whether or not Sadus will be selling these reissues on their upcoming US tour. I'd like to support the band directly via the merch stand at the Atlanta, GA show, but at the same time, I'm a bit worried that such a limited re-release might sell out before the band ever arrives in Atlanta. Any info from the band would be appreciated.
They're not on the tour man... they dropped out and Into Eternity took their spot.

I just want to know... WHYYYYYYYYYYYY
Two things I hate about this kind of thing.
First, when news from Blabbermouth gets posted as a thread on my forum having to do with my band.
Second, when news gets posted anywhere that isn't totally confirmed.

I appreciate the buzz it creates. But what if something goes wrong and this tour doesn't happen. Then I have to explain why and it seems like we pulled out when in fact it was never fully realized. And a little less important, but still worth mentioning: what about getting news from the source first? So now either way I have to have a sort of anti-climactic response coming soon regarding all of this. Hehehe...

Ok, well there are a lot of things in the works. This is definitely one of them. But still waiting on the final confirmation as fas as Sadus' participation on the tour. We are so excited to be even considered for something like this, but the details have to fall into place still. So we'll get the news posted asap.
Thank you.
Go back to your regularly scheduled programs now.

Also, Sadus aren't being paid for the reissues, so I don't think they'll be selling them.
They're not on the tour man... they dropped out and Into Eternity took their spot.

Are you sure? Sadus are still listed in the band lineup at the venue's official website and the concert is only about three weeks away.
There was a thread sometime ago about this subject.

To summarize the previous thread: The band isn't being paid anything for the reissues. SDG said something like it sucks, but it was a price to pay just to have people checking out the band and the two newer releases ("Elements" and "Out for Blood"); according to previous statements, interest in the band has never been more intense. Then a label guy posted something about he'd like to have the band get paid, but he doesn't know how since he's leasing the titles from Roadrunner. (It was customary to have bands sign shitty contracts back in the day -granted every capital expense being taken care of.)

My two cents:
1) If Displeased records REALLY GIVES A DAMN about Sadus not getting paid for the reissuess, then why not raise the initial price by a buck or two and send that money directly to SDGs/Sadus P.O. Box? How hard is that to do. People will still check out the CDs even if they are $15.99 to $16.99 as opposed to $13.99 to $14.99.

2) If you have moral objections to getting the reissues, either don't buy them and try to get the original from somebody or buy the reissues and send the band a percentage of the cost of the CD...say the same percentage Displeased records receives. Then when you see Sadus on tour, make sure you buy a shirt, the new album and some stickers.
The reissues that just came out aren't from Displeased. :Smug:

They're from Metal Mind records in Poland. The band approved them. The Displeased reissues were cancelled.
Two out of your four statements are wrong Jean-Pierre. It is correct that the reissues that just came out are from Metal Mind. But I never got to approve of the product. I knew about it coming and tried to help contribute, but I never saw the final before it was set to release and wouldn't have approved of it because I have been informed that the cds are all screwed up. I hear that the songs are out of sequence and criss-crossing albums. There's no one in this band, present or past that would allow songs to be moved around like that for no reason. I even tried in the last minutes before the deadline to send in some liner notes to go with each album, but my words were changed. So even though our involvement was requested, in the end we really have no control.
The Displeased reissues are not cancelled. Their version just hasn't come out yet.
Two out of your four statements are wrong Jean-Pierre. It is correct that the reissues that just came out are from Metal Mind. But I never got to approve of the product. I knew about it coming and tried to help contribute, but I never saw the final before it was set to release and wouldn't have approved of it because I have been informed that the cds are all screwed up. I hear that the songs are out of sequence and criss-crossing albums. There's no one in this band, present or past that would allow songs to be moved around like that for no reason. I even tried in the last minutes before the deadline to send in some liner notes to go with each album, but my words were changed. So even though our involvement was requested, in the end we really have no control.
The Displeased reissues are not cancelled. Their version just hasn't come out yet.

So are you guys aren't recieving anything in the form of royalties from this at all? Too bad, shit...

Are you planning to tour the US with Sadus anytime soon? I'm bummed about recent cancellations, what happened?