SADUS: Return from SJ-PR


The 13th Monkey
Feb 12, 2002
Golden State
San Juan, Puerto Rico.
In the continuing quest to visit all of Latin America, the chance to play the US occupied island in the Caribbean came up. And just like all our Southern neighbors, we felt welcome and long overdue to bring the Sadus Attack. The rain was randomly pounding and the beers were just as watery...but during the brutal sets of the two support bands the fans filled in and prepared to witness the old-school set compiled by these aging Sadudes. The enthusiasm was at a high level the whole show even though the bass amp died half-way through, but Señor Luis on the sound board saved the mix with the DI. It was a crazy time meeting all the fans after the show and going around to the death metal sidewalk concert at 3am. I want to thank Alberto, Carlos and Ray for helping us the entire time...herbal thanks go to the multi-talented Hendrix...y sobre todo gracias a todos nuestros nuevos amigos y amigas de Puerto Rico para un tiempo bueno...and you can trust, we will back....!
Leave it to King Lewie to save the day, heh.

Great to hear your had a warm reception!