Safe Home vid - help


Dec 16, 2002
Hey people. I'm a bit of a goof when it comes to this computer caper. Can someone help me with playing the vid???

I've downloaded the Quicktime - do i then need tojust click on the link to play the clip??

Every time I do this is stops every 5 secs??

Any assistance would help. Cheerz.
Click it, wait for it to start playing then pause it. Then when the whole video loads hit play again and it should play straight through.
Hail everyone...

MrCam, thanks for the link, I've tried to download the video from the official page but didn't work, your link was very helpful. :grin:

But does someone have (or knows where can I download) a .mpeg version of the clip?? .mov files don't work so well in my machine and the screen size sucks.

Thanks in advance. :rock:
-WildChild In Time- said:
Hail everyone...

MrCam, thanks for the link, I've tried to download the video from the official page but didn't work, your link was very helpful. :grin:

But does someone have (or knows where can I download) a .mpeg version of the clip?? .mov files don't work so well in my machine and the screen size sucks.

Thanks in advance. :rock:

I doubled the screen size and it's ok but I wish Quicktime had full screen. I looked for a program to convert it myself, with no luck. I also noticed that my old 350 MHz laptop for work would skip and cut out because it couldn't keep up, but my 1.2 GHz computer at home works fine.
@ Jono: I wish I could be using a Mac, 'cos I like them a lot, but the problem is my damn PC.

@ MrCam: I can't even watch it in normal size, so it's impossible to watch it in doubled size. It seems like a picture-by-picture video.
Screw up, my pc sucks big time. :lol: