Computer Help!?

Aug 9, 2005
My dad was cleaning up files on the computer in add & remove programs, and he uninstalled Quicktime & iTunes. The thing is, it didn't completely uninstall or something. I tried re-installing it and uninstalling it again and nothing will work. I can't get Quicktime or iTunes to work.

When I click on iTunes to open it, I recieve this error message:

When I try to install OR uninstall Quicktime, this pops up... Same thing every time too.

After I click Okay, It loads a bit more then this pops up:

Then when I click okay on that, this box pops up:

Im stuck not being able to do anything with iTunes or Quicktime and it really sucks. Does anyone know how to get the shit off of my computer completely or something? So I can re-install it all?... I noticed Quicktime is in my control panel, but I Cannot delete it.

Can anyone help?
I used spybot, Microsoft Anti Virus, and ad-aware... theres nothing on it.

Im so fucking pissed. 2 fucking days trying everything possible to get this to work and nothing. Back to square one
i had some sort-of similar problems with programs on my pc before

i'd advise you to burn important stuff to disc and reformat
I managed to fix it. When Quicktime was uninstalled, I knew parts remained, I just didn't know how to get rid of them. I searched through thosands of folders and found a few Quicktime components that were still there. I deleted them and restarted. Then when I installed it again, It worked perfectly!

Thanks for the help though to the people who actually replied!
The Bringer said:
When is the last time you reformatted?

maybe it is time. You are suppose to do it ever 5-6 months.
lol theres no "supposed to" when it comes to os's... if its giving you shit, then maybe, but i've had xp going for well over a year before, and still no issues... of course, a less experienced(read stupider) user, might have to sooner than i would, as i know how to fix things if they get shitty, whereas the average user wouldn't.
If you treat your computer like shit I recommend formatting every 6 months. If you know how to treat your computer well could go years without ever having to format.

I know a lot about computers, I can fix a lot of problems. But sometimes formatting is really the only way to go. I hate to say that.
The beauty of the 2nd harddrive.

On this desktop, i store everything i use and the install files for all progs i have so any reformat is painless.
The beauty of the 2nd harddrive.

On this desktop, i store everything i use and the install files for all progs i have so any reformat is painless.
-Gavin- said:
The beauty of the 2nd harddrive.

On this desktop, i store everything i use and the install files for all progs i have so any reformat is painless.

And then the 2nd hardrive stops working for no reason. A scot guy suicides.