Saftey video looks like a horror film

I only got like half way. Some dude got his hand stuck in a spinning... thing. Forgot what it's called.

The best one was a gas canister shooting off like a rocket and cracking a bloke in the face.

Imagine going for your first day at work there:
"Before we sign you on, I have to make you aware of certain accidents... John feel from a ladder and was impaled through the heart, Mark fell of the back of a lorry on his forklift and was crushed, Ed and Sue were blown up by a flying gas canister.."
What the hell man, the end one, some guy is blow torching some barrels and BOOM, the world explodes.
Thats quite possibly the most awesome thing I've ever seen.

Y'reckon that happens in all workplaces? Can you imagine some one with an office job getting impaled on a desk lamp? :lol:

I got a paper clip stuck in my thumb once.

Office safety. Serious business... Although not as serious as ladder impalement.
The guy didn't actually get impaled on the ladder. The ring getting caught is quite common. In fact you'd be surprised how much of that stuff does happen. Good video though, they SHOULD show that to new workers haha.
The guy didn't actually get impaled on the ladder. The ring getting caught is quite common. In fact you'd be surprised how much of that stuff does happen. Good video though, they SHOULD show that to new workers haha.

How often does a gas canister shoot of like a rocket. :lol:

I'm scared to work in a factory now. :(
WTF was with the mushroom cloud at the end though? :lol:

Pretty funny though. Best part was the canister hell-bent on hitting the big shot in the face XD

Most of the other ones SEEMED logical.... except for the dumbass who stood his ladder on the stack of wooden pallets XD
The guy stood in the trash compactor at the start and the guy blow torching the explosive barrels had it coming too.
what the hell! i didnt expect the impalement off the ladder, jesus christ

hahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha This is the funniest video ever, it looks like a troma movie. and that scene right there had me cracking up so bad.