Saint Daemon on Norway's Got Talent!


Aug 1, 2002
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Actually, it's just their vocalist, Jan-Thore. He did quite the rendition of a Christina Aguilera song.

Definitely worth posting this here:

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LOL I love how he makes the stage his like he's got his own band behind him. I also love these people's reaction who have no idea he can wail. "OMG TOTALLY FLOORED" and I'm sitting here thinking "dude's gonna nail it."
they are a great band. I love both CD's. I cant wait for the new one. I love the reaction at 2:16. I get that from the ladies when I have my shirt off. Seriously...this guy has an amazing voice. It is scary how he makes it seem so easy to do.
That was nothing short of amazing. And I love how one of the judges already had their hand poised over the buzzer before he even started singing. Just because he LOOKS like a hobo doesn't mean he can't wail! They couldn't have said anything other than "Ja!" :)

He's looking a lot like Leif Sorbye from Tempest, actually. He looks like Leif's long-lost lovechild. :D