Saint Wankertine's Day

Originally posted by somnium_in_tenebris
Hello kids!This is a rather aggressive(and expected)thread.I could not keep me hands off that bloody pad,tho.I especially hate this day,it is so pointless and naive.For puffs!!!:mad: this is a personal statement,like an aggressive finger at the sky(:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: )against this day.let's face it.we are MEN:mad: *space beer*:lol: :lol: :lol:

yeaaaaah my name is Valentine...St.Valentine
"Halloween is a fucken celtic fest and it dont belong here. Halloween has been existing here for only 5-6 years and it's only for fucken commercial purpose, to sell sweets and costumes etc"

the french are celts too ...well the real french are :lol:..and celebrated halloween.
just cos you lot surrendered to the romans and had all yer festivals taken away. The french unusual :lol:
come on,im kidding and you know,hehe!of course you're right.but nothing is free in this world.not even sex.think about it.hah
Originally posted by sol83
well yes, i said most times. not always.

haha,look,there are always expenses;) either you take this or that,cept you're dead good in controlling yourself,haha*what am i saying,someone kill me*
Mariner,you f***** it and it died:mad:
yeah,i was brain-wanking,looking for zodiac sign predictions on the internet and studying.nice:mad:
Originally posted by somnium_in_tenebris
Mariner,you f***** it and it died:mad:
yeah,i was brain-wanking,looking for zodiac sign predictions on the internet and studying.nice:mad:
only brainwanking? ok fair enough then... :)
Originally posted by Bambi
the french are celts too ...well the real french are :lol:..and celebrated halloween.
just cos you lot surrendered to the romans and had all yer festivals taken away. The french unusual :lol:

French are Celts ???? :confused: ... Nous sommes Gaulois pas Celtes :) The only French Celts live in 'Bretagne' and it's a weird part of the country ... they are not real French :lol: . It's like 'la Corse' 'Les Pays Basques' or 'Mehdi', they are taking advantage of the opportunity of living here but are ungrateful bastards asking for independance :lol: :lol: :lol:
And by the way I think we kicked British invaders outta here many times :)
And we're one of the few countries not surrendering to Bush's policy of war :)
am i the only one here who likes valentine's day? this is sad. :(

you dont have to have a bf/gf to be happy on this day. thats not the purpose. of course, if you have one, good for you, go celebrate but otherwise, you send cards to your crush! this is so cute. i always liked this idea. any agrees or disagrees?