Salvia Divinorum. weeeee!

DAMN, that surprises me dude - from what I've heard, the after-effects of acid can be a whole lot worse! (like permanent psychological damage, PTSD, etc.)

If you abuse it or get bad stuff, I'm sure it could/will be. I've only done "clean acid" whatever that is. In other words, I got it from trusted friends who promised me a "clean" calm trip. Lucky, they delivered.

Except once. :erk: I got this stuff called "Jesus" in Key West. (from a stranger, yeah stupid.) Oh man did I go nuts for a while. I started doing pushups on the fire engine that takes you down Duval St. Got all enraged and pumped only to be paranoid that every gay dude was out to get me. That can be hell in Key West. :lol: That went on for about 4 hours. Later on, I heard some kid on the same stuff was found chewing on a street curb after fighting trees. :erk:

I'd say it's best to just stay away from crazy drugs. Stick to simple pot and beer. As long as you don't abuse either and don't do anything stupid like drive drunk, the worst that can happen is you will get hungry and go to sleep. :kickass:
Don't get me wrong, I've done salvia quite a few times and Mr. Tiger only showed up once. He violently entered my world of flying clocks and televisions with legs. Everything was great until that. As long as you're somewhere that is relatively calm and quiet you shouldn't have any problems.
^ I tried to listen to Cannibal Corpse on it once. I'd have to say it was the most uneasy I have ever felt in my life. So in my opinion unless you want to feel crazy as a bitch(not in a good way) I'd shy away from heavier metal with salvia. My friend played his harmonica the last time I smoked it though and it was fucking sweet.

The first time I smoked salvia it was me, my girlfriend, my brother, my guitarist, another friend and his wife all crammed into a tiny room. I offered to go first since none of us had done it before. I took two bong hits as big as I could. By the time I exhaled the second hit it hit me like a fucking train. I tried to talk and tell them it was fucking intense but they said I was just laughing hysterically and mumbling shit. I thought I was talking normal. Then it really got crazy. I heard carnival music and it was like everything was revolving like a carousel but stationary at the same time. I thought I was standing up with my legs through the bed and I was wondering why I couldn't walk. I looked out the window and what I'm guessing were really cars looked like multi colored blobs flopping down the road. My brother thought he was in a subway station and his body was against the train while it was moving and it was pulling him to the right. All he really did was walk into the wall and slide across it until he got to the corner. He then got on all fours and crawled up to my freinds wife and yelled at the top of his lungs, "Can you hear me?!" My guitarist just walked into the living room and laid down on the floor. My girlfriend asked him if he was ok and he shouted, "just let me fucking chill on the steps!" Then he started sliding the back of his head on the carpet. He didn't remember any of it when he came around. My friends wife freaked the fuck out because she thought she was being made into a broom. She was crying hysterically.

It's my favorite out of anything I've done before. I've since quit using drugs though I would give salvia another go if it was available.
All he really did was walk into the wall and slide across it until he got to the corner. He then got on all fours and crawled up to my freinds wife and yelled at the top of his lungs, "Can you hear me?!"

:lol: I'm glad I wasn't just taking a drink of anything while reading that
How does one buy this stuff anyway? I mean it's not a controlled substance, so if I wanted to give it a go should I just google it or what? (hypothetically speaking, of course ;))

I would never touch this lol.. but hey, whatever makes you happy.
I just hate losing control, be it with drugs or alcohol.. freaks me out.. and to be honest a few coca cola's and im allready getting a bit tipsy ;)
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