Samael-Ceremony Of Opposites

Triumphant Apostle

Disciple Of The Watch
Dec 8, 2001
St.Paul, MN
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I'll start out this review by saying I was first introduced to the Swiss gods(!) Samael in October of 1994 when they were opening for Cannibal Corpse. I went to that show anticipating seeing Grave(who were also opening)and Cannibal. I had seen their band name on some of the flyers for the show but had never heard them and in no way was I prepared for what I was about to hear! They easily stole the show that night, and the very next day I ordered Ceremony Of Opposites which had been released a few months earlier. While waiting for that album I purchased their second album Blood Ritual. I was in no way disappointed by this album, but I knew they had progressed alot further with their newest release. Most of the songs they played at the show I had been to were from it, and they were the ones I knew I NEEDED to have on disc!
When I finally did get Ceremony Of Opposites I was more amazed than I had ever anticipated which is surprising since I had been looking forward to it for so long!
The opening track Black Trip starts things up appropriately enough with a dark thrashy riff and immediately when the vocals come in they kick into an absolutely infectious riff, which is the first of many to come on the album. Lead vocalist Vorphalack(who after this album shortened his name to simply,Vorph) spits his vocals out quite convincingly and has his own sound. If I had to compare him to anyone in the Black/Death genre I would say he'd be like a cross between Jeff from Carcass and Tomas from At The Gates and that still doesn't describe him right!
The guitar tone has always reminded me of that scratchy, but razor sharp sound Metallica had on Kill 'em All. Vorph riffs his heart out and this is a very good thing! The drum sound is also fantastic, there is some double bass, but most of this album is midpaced grooves. They're not playing 1000 miles an hour, but I defy anyone who says they love metal to listen to this album and not want to furiously bang their head!
One interesting thing about this band is that their drummer Xytras(who also shortened his name after this album to, even simpler,Xy!) writes ALL of the music. He is very obviously one of the more gifted musicians on the planet, because this album also featured a full time keyboardist who was used perfectly!The keys never take anything away from the intensity of the songs, and are just there to compliment them. I feel this band is the best ever at accomplishing that. Baphomet's Throne would be the best example of this, opening with just the drums, and the greatest keyboard "riff" these ears have ever heard!
It's not a long album by any means, clocking in at 35:58 which just leaves you wanting more after the final(and title) track finishes! Standout tracks are the aforementioned Baphomet's Throne, and Black Trip, as well as Celebration Of The Fourth,Son Of Earth,Mask Of The Red Death( EVERY riff in this one kicks my ass!) and the title track.
Lyrically it is obvious they had not yet grasped english too well(example from Son Of Earth,"Oh bulged TUMMY women, Oh deformed body women" hahaha) but that is quite a minor flaw when you take into consideration what a masterpiece this album is! I urge anyone who is not familar to give this band a chance because I really do think they are easily the most underrated band in the entire extreme metal scene. After this album Xy got rid of the Keyboardist(Rudolph)and his drumkit as well! When they play live now he handles all keyboard duties and programs part of the drums while still having a snare setup back there! This is amazing to watch live and something that needs to be witnessed at least once to be believed! Samael kind of went "into hiding" after their last release "Eternal" in 1999 but I have heard that they are back together again and I cannot wait for new music from this extremely talented band!
To sum their sound up in one sentence it would be: rifftastic,groove laden metal enhanced by keyboards with harsh Blackmetal type vocals! Ceremony Of Opposites is the perfect introduction to Samael, a band who ALWAYS release quality albums which do not disappoint, all the while maintaining their own unique and addictive sound!
Yeah, pretty good review. At first I didn't like this album because thought it'd be some hyperfast black metal, but it was this more groove-oriented shit. Then I listened to it again and loved it. I'm glad I cleared my mind of some fucking preconceived notions and just listened to it. It was well worth it. :)