SAMMY HAGAR: I Have Been Contacted By Aliens!


Victory is at hand.
Jan 7, 2005
Actually I will append the article at the bottom, in case the page disappears.
Check out his interview below:

Weird!, funny thing though, I know where he's coming from, because I'm from Seattle.


SAMMY HAGAR: I Have Been Contacted By Aliens! - Nov. 4, 2002

Former VAN HALEN frontman Sammy Hagar is a true believer of extraterrestrial life outside this planet and solar system as well as intelligent life observing humans in their everyday lives.

"It's been a long, long time, but back in about '68, in Fontana, California, I had this unbelievable experience that would take this whole interview to even go into," Hagar told Guitar World magazine recently. "But I'm a firm believer — have seen, have felt, have been contacted three or four different times. I have received information that has been valuable in my life from those people, and they have used me. I'm gonna sound like a complete nut here, but they have used me in an experimental fashion. The easiest way to put it is that they downloaded my brain information. When I was about 19 or 20, they downloaded everything that was in my head. And I caught 'em doin' it! I woke up in the middle of the night, thinkin', 'What's goin' on?' They were like, 'Oh, my god, he's waking up!' But this was all telepathy — there were no words being spoken. And as soon as I woke up — it was probably three o'clock in the morning — my whole room was so bright that I could hardly keep my eyes open. I was wide-awake, I could not move, eyes open, white room, they were still disconnecting — and when they did, it just went bang! Everything went back to normal, back to black. I was shaking, I almost passed out, I was sick to my stomach and almost had to throw up, it was so scary…

"It sent me on a course of curiosity. I bought a telescope, and I started reading UFO books, and I just got into the whole thing. And since then, there have been three or four other contacts with the same group of people. I don't know who the fuck they are, but I've narrowed them down to a people called the Nine, who are called that because they're from the Ninth Dimension. I've named my publishing company the Nine Music after them. It's a crazy thing, man. But to me, anyone who thinks we're the only ones here, despite the vastness of the entire universe, is fucking crazy. Those people gotta be put away — not the guys having these contacts!" [laughs]
What no jokes? Actually I believe Sammy, not too sure about some of his 9th deminsion conclusions, but I believe he did experience something weird. It’s the bedroom lighting up thing that got my attention, because I’ve seen it too, not the brain download though.. Yea actually it woke both me and my wife up it was so bright, and then it went away, she freaked out when I told her it was a UFO and she couldn't get back to sleep, but I did.
OOOOWeeeeeeooooooo., I’m glad someone famous is stepping up and talking about it.
I believe him too,

But to me, anyone who thinks we're the only ones here, despite the vastness of the entire universe, is fucking crazy.

That is so right on
Usually bragging or talking about UFO's is like poking a hornet’s nest when it comes to chat rooms on the internet. I've got other UFO stories too... Check out the pictures on UFOEvidence.Org, although, I think some are fakes, I think most are not.

Reminds me of BOC song ‘ETI’ – “Don't report this ascension, the three men said!”, fun song, BOC was obsessed with UFO's themes in many tunes. Frankly I think it kind of scares this guy that wants to play guitar songs with me, cause, he doesn’t know if I worship Edie or not.. It’s kinda’ funny, maybe Maiden should write a UFO song with Edie coming out of an UFO into someone’s bedroom and download their brain.
I've heard him tell this story on TV. It has opened him up to a lot of criticism, but he probably is old enough and wealthy enough to say, "I don't care what they think". I have my own beliefs as to what happened to him, but I believe he did experience something.
Red7of9 you said: "I have my own beliefs as to what happened to him", what do you believe happened, I would like to know? I wonder what it is..

Yea one time on this other forum- I won’t mention any names…- I started this UFO thread, it had about 500 replies by the next day before it was locked by the moderators. Then later I created a jealously thread it got about 300 replies within a few hours, man I gave up on that one. So I found out some topics get some people really excited…
I don't think this is a good place to dicuss that. I just wanted to give a little support to Sammy without necessarily saying I believe in life on other planets.
Have you guys read the message board following the article? Man are people cruel! If you don't believe the guy, then that's your opinion, but to bash him to that degree!?! I feel sorry for Sammy if he reads that trash. Everyone has the right to express their experiences. I, too, believe that we're not alone in the universe. It's too vast not to believe that other life beings don't exist. Or at least believe that it's possible. I've had A LOT of supernatural encounters in my lifetime and it's the same thing. People would rather believe that your insane than to explore the possiblity of it being true. Stick to your guns Sammy!
Maiden67 - Your right; furthermore, I have found that it's always the same little mental midgets that post their pseudo intellectuality on the subject over and over again, but ironically it’s the smart ones that actually understand that man is not the creator nor the center of the universe. Drake’s equation and such things have been created by people who are actualy highly educated. I've found the mediocre people pretend to have some sort of scientific analytical thinking, but they just know that UFO things are nothing but crazy talk; I for one understand the world if full of morons.

The reason they are so hard on Sammy is because they are afraid, scared of not being the highest life form in the food chain, and some are afraid that it will destroy their religion too. My 2 cents.
Actually the Van Halen song "Love Walks In" off of 5150 is about Sammy's UFO experience. Listen to it and you hear it all.

I saw VH in August at Staples and while its not like seeing them with Dave in the 80's you realize these guys are doing what they were born to do.

I don't believe in UFO's, but if they do come down then I'll buy everyone here a coke!
Personally I think it's weird that the public has such a difficult time with realizing UFO's do exist while there is such enormous quantity of personal testimonies and photographical evidence and high ranking military officials who admit it’s a cover up, but are written off as kooks, senile or liars, thus marginalized by the same old machine of distraction.

Check out the pictures on these sites below, and one I find interesting are the many hundreds of years old paintings from Europe the depict UFO’s and then the thousands of year old cave paintings that depict UFO’s.
Being Native American, I have read that the most common link between the abductees is that they had some percentage of indian blood. I wouldn't strike that as weird due to the fact that we are very open to the spirits and our ancestors. Our open spirituality and basic philosophy that we are all connected would be the reason I would speculate that they choose they people that they do. Has anyone here heard of Art Bell? His radio show will blow your mind! Like I said, I have had many supernatural experiences. Some I feel that happened because I meditate. You tap into the universe when you meditate. You just need to be careful of the doors you open. Anyone can e-mail me if you want to talk a little more at:

Don't want to take away from the ladies!! Much metal and magic!! :headbang: