sampling on a quadraverb?

Apr 18, 2006
is it possible to sample through the quadraverb unit from drums?for example if if use the ddrum triggers going into the unit then use the sampler on it to produce the kick drum sound?
not sure if it will work or not.does anyone know if you can program your own sounds into the unit?
Hi, sampling can only be done in the Quadraverb Plus (not units with the original ROM) and it's capabilities are reaaally limited. Someone correct me if I'm wrong (I've only messed with it on mine once in 10 years) but you get 1 lot 1.5 seconds of bad quality sampling and the sound has to be phyically recorded through the input (6.5mm jack) socket(s). It will trigger from MIDI and from an audio source.

I only tried triggering from audio source (guitar) and there was quite a bit of delay between the trigger and the sound played back. I'm not sure if MIDI would also be equally as delayed or how well it would cope with notes played in quick succession.