Sanctuary news?


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Courtesy of

SANCTUARY RECORDS - Massive Roster Cleansing Revealed [Hot Flashes - 04.12.04 11:39:44]

In an as yet unpublicized move, it appears that Germany's Sanctuary/Noise Records has all but abandoned their artists, with several longtime staffers also leaving the once prominent metal label. Sources say that 20+ bands have either been dropped, or let out of their contract. The only non-casualty seems to be Kai Hansen's GAMMA RAY. Otherwise, the label has apparently had a change of direction, seeking to sign older, established acts, rather than breaking newer ones - a most certain death blow for scene longevity.

In an ironic bit of related news, several of the departed former Sanctuary employees have banded together to start their own label, backed by IRON SAVIOR founder/guitarist Piet Sielck, who was instrumental in the formation of HELLOWEEN, along with Hansen.
That's not good to say the least!! :(
I can understand a label wanting to keep an established band such as Gamma Ray. But we really need record companies to take the chance on the new bands out there.....Otherwise we are going to wind up with a stagnating genre, and that wont be good for the industry on the whole at all, not to mention the confidence of any up and coming band.
Good luck to Piet Sielck and co!
