did i mention how terrible the new NEVERMORE album is? i tried for the third time to get through it and stopped after the third track. figure the thread was getting riled up so why not toss some gasoline on the fire.but seriously, The Obsidian Conspiracy is ranking as a big disappointment of 2010 sadly enough. i want to like it, but it's just so boring and uninspired.
Don't say it's terrible, say you don't like it. I know most other people I have talked to really like it, myself definitely included. Is it my favorite NM album? No, but it's damn good.
well, i guess i am giving you the specifics of why i don't like it. because to me it IS terrible. you guys might like it, but i find it boring and uninspired and i would never reach for it again for a casual listen. it's been deleted from my hard drive and CD will be sold off.
i mean i could go into more specific and in depth critique of their performances and songwriting, etc. but that would be a waste in here i presume, but i figured i would state that i didn't like it to see if anyone else agreed with me.
Funny, was actually talking to a friend and business associate of Warrel and they said the exact same thing. Truly want to like it, but just can't get in to it for some reason. I haven't heard it yet, but will next week. I'll reserve judgment until then.did i mention how terrible the new NEVERMORE album is? i tried for the third time to get through it and stopped after the third track. figure the thread was getting riled up so why not toss some gasoline on the fire.but seriously, The Obsidian Conspiracy is ranking as a big disappointment of 2010 sadly enough. i want to like it, but it's just so boring and uninspired.