Sansamp on vocals

i just recorded a crusty emocore band the last few days and did something i wanted to try for quite a while: record vocals through a sansamp and damn! the result was amazing! one of the best vocal distortions i ever heard in real life!
i just took an SM58, splitted the signal, recorded the dry signal, routed the other to my Tri-AC set to british with everything 1 o' clockish and mids at 2 o' clock, mix it in to taste...
i hope i can post some soundclips soon but i just wanted to share it because i was so amazed. maybe something some of you guys could use some time
punkrockacademyfightsong said:
i just took an SM58, splitted the signal, recorded the dry signal, routed the other to my Tri-AC set to british with everything 1 o' clockish and mids at 2 o' clock, mix it in to taste...

Dumb question:
Does "splitting the signal" mean taking a recorded track and recording it onto another track?
Radd said:
Dumb question:
Does "splitting the signal" mean taking a recorded track and recording it onto another track?

i a actually splitted the signal before recording it, using a passive DI box. the paralel (jack) out was routed to the sansamp and then to channel 2 of my soundcard and the XLR out was routed directly to channel 1 of my soundcard. this way the singer also has the distortion in real time and you can mix a balance of clean and distortion for his monitoring wich he is comfortable with.
Ah, ok, I get it. I've heard that phrase used before in here and was wondering exactly what it means. So it's a DI box that is most likley used when someone says "splitting the signal".
yeah man.... i do this with my pod xt all the time, got that "Chino effect" on fightstars cover of "my own summer" on the kerrang 25th aniversery CD this way,

also i find it gets a better performance if the singer can hear the gain a bit in their monitor mix too.

Hehe, I've been relying on my SansAmp PSA-1 for vocals since about 1996 (mainly because it used to be the only distortion I had) ... it's really a nice thing and I still use it as my live vocal-distortion effect because it is midi-switchable.
yeah, the band i tried it with was Marat, i'll keep you updated as soon as i have some mixed material.

today i've been recording vocals for another band (Brat Pack) punkrocknroll in the vein of RKL, also used the Tri-AC again.
this time i set up a rode NT1000 and recorded that clean. I put my 906 behind / next to it and ran this through the sansamp, amazing results again! i wonder if there will be a day that i create a mix with only sansamp sound in it ;) maybe i should use it in a mastering chain sometime instead of antares tube ;)