

Supreme Ruler of the Sofa
Sep 20, 2005
Santa brought me some Irish Whiskey and a freakin' sweet Rammstein DVD (Volkerball SE), and some gift cards at BestBuy and Futureshop.
Ya gotta love that fucker sometimes. :grin:
Santa brought me a Led Zeppelin CD that I already had and a note saying that if he catches me with Mrs. Clause again, he'll cut my jingle bells off!
Santa got me the Black 13 pedal!!!!!!!!:rock: :heh: :rock:

I can't stop playing the Madhouse riff!! It's EXACTLY the same as the record.
Except for the "Room 4 1 More" sound (which in my opinion sounds a bit generic) and "Finale" (which is fun for 5 minutes), they are all absolutely spot on!!
There's no middle ground or room for subtelty. it's just monster crunch on all settings. DEFINATELY going on my live rig. I feel 15!!
Santa got me a Rolex as a Christmas/graduation from college present. I also got a bottle of Jack Daniel.

I have no complaints. :)
I have to admit I like the Black 13 pedal too...of course being an Anthrax fan since the early days does help...But it is so much fun to re-visit that Madhouse are correct....chunka chunka chunka...
Bought my oldest daughter a starter acoustic guitar - Gibson/Baldwin family, not bad sound for the price. Someone loaned me the Esteban course for beginners, so she can learn, among other things, to hold the guitar the right way. (A little hard for me to teach her, 'cause I'm a lefty and she's a righty.)

She definitely cleaned up from Santa this year - a guitar, karaoke machine and a TV/DVD unit for her bedroom. Only thing she didn't get that she wanted was a cell phone. Santa's generous, but he's not stupid.
$$$, a new recliner, gift cards for Bob Evans and Bellacino's and a World Series Champions Cardinals jersey. Actually the recliner came in Nov. after knee surgery but who's complaining :)
I got a new set of tires, a comforter set for my bed, and a 100 dollar gift card to Sears for some new tools. Basically, I got a bunch of stuff I needed but didn't want to spend my own money on:lol: . Oh and my boss gave me a decent amount of cash.
underwear, sox, pj's. a golf towel, other clothes, coffee mug, a Budweiser bucket and 4 pint glasses :rock: 2 dz golf balls, and bought some irons and a new sand wedge.
Santa, the cunt, brought me endless hangovers, fucked-up guts, and the shits. Can't wait for Christmas 2007!
Santa apparently had better things to do this year than shop for me as my gifts were either money or gift certificates, with only 2 or 3 actual gifts. I did get an Anthrax wallet I requested. I converted some tapes to CD with one gift certificate (Offspring, Alice in Chains, Metallica and Danzig) and got movies with the other. My best gift, though, was the Christmas/Anniversary gift of Guitar Hero 1.
I got alot of gift certs (even though I hate old navy I get it every fuckin year) a gift cert to wallmart that I requested. And a bottle of glenlivet.. Off to wallmart to buy a camcorder.
Santa gave me a Digital Camera w/ a 1 gig card and case! And also an iTunes gift card and Dr. Katz season two on DVD! w00t!