Saosin/Of Machines/Circa Survive with a more modern feel! (instrumental mix)


New Metal Member
Oct 2, 2009
hey guys, check out my newest mix! the band is a local band from Albuquerque, New Mexico. They're recording 4 songs with me right now, and i'm trying a few new techniques for guitars.
Running direct into an ART Pro MPA ii then my FX chain looks like this:
TSS > Poulin Lecto > Reagate > Recabinet Tangerine 57, D6, and U87 impulses > Ferric TDS > ReaEQ (low and high end roll off, cutting like 2 bands in the midrange, and 2 in the upper high range) > C4 (andy sneap trick)

I have the most trouble with guitar tones/bass tones. is there anything wrong with them or am I just overly-critical?
Yeah, the guitars sound like they could use some high-end/treble, and they sound just a little whoofy, maybe around the 7-800hz range... aside from that, I can't think of any changes. The drums sound just a little 'superior drummer'-y to my ears but that's just me, and they fit well in the mix. This song is sick, great stuff.