Satson user's help

What else is in your chain?
Unless its from the source track or you're driving Satson EXTREMELY hard there shouldn't be any white noise.
+1. I use Satson everyday and have NEVER had this issue.

Check your gain-staging...

if you have say, 150 tracks with an instance of satson on each im sure youll end up with some noise but it shouldnt be at a super high level.... thats an extreme case.

VCC is much noisier (not a bad thing, imho) than SatSon and VTM even more so (again, not a bad thing and is variable!)
Satson-Ampsim(x30)-Ir loader-Eq-Saturation

1 db boost
fat tuned on!! and nothing else
What's the saturation at the end of the chain?
Some people like the effect console's have on DI's, but I'd probably do:

tubescreamer > amp sim > cab IR > Satson (the VU meter can be handy here for gain staging) > other saturation > noise gate > EQ.